Chapter 14

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Ajin's POV:

"Dude, all I'm trying to say is that you were a little out of pocket for that." I tried to reason with Max. "What? It's not my fault if the others get butt hurt because I have a truthful tongue." Max shrugged.

"And we get that wholeheartdely. We really really do Max. But that whole thing about the others pulling their weight was just uncalled for." Majin sided with my argument. "But don't you think he's at least a 'little' bit in the right?" Lisanna asked, sitting on a small boulder in the ground.

"It doesn't matter about who's right or wrong. What matters is to establish our place in the group, WITHOUT talking down on anyone." I set my point across. "Ajin's right. We all have different abilities, which means we can keep up in our own way." Mango attempted to defuse the situation.

"Says the dragonblood who was born with great power." X snuck a response. "Hey. What does that mean?" Max's sharp ears perked, looking to take offense to whatever he just said. "I don't find it fair how you dragonbloods can lecture us when you guys were born with power in the first place." X picked his nose.

"We're all born with power, it's just up to us when it comes to learning how to utilize such power." Tenebris said boldly. "He's right. You all are very special children. You've been blessed amazing gifts and abilities. But with every great power, comes an even greater responsibility." Salma spoke wisely.

Which gave us something to think about... before hearing a loud zap come from where Nagima was last seen flying over. "Huh?" Harlow's ears twitched. "You heard it too Harlow?" I asked. She looked back and nodded.

"Guys, something might be wrong with Nagima! We should check it out, now!" I say before blasting off into the thick and Misty dead forest in search of my friend. Leaving some of my friends in the dust, I was able to at least see where the noise was coming from.

I could see a boy who's skin was all blue. And he was on the opposite side of what looked like a man who reeked of magic. And next to him was a near fully transformed dragon girl who looked way too familiar in my eyes.

I went invisible so I wouldn't attract attention too soon, but they all were looking up at something... or someone. It was Nagima. Nagima flapped their wings over them with clenched fists. But that's the thing. Nagima's hair was... black. And their crystal wings were entirely red!

I don't know what happened to them, but I couldn't tell who I should've been worried for. "Oh my. Scott should've taken that into account before he bit the dust." The man with the top hat spoke with a smirk.

"Don't you agree... Jeremy?" The man looked at the blue boy sinisterly. He looked flabbergasted, but Nagima just looked downright shook. "Oh that's right! You two haven't seen each other in so long. It's only right for me to enlighten you." The man gestured.

"Greetings. I'm Bartholomew Voldigoad. A pleasure to meet you lass. Now, ever since you two must've been children, there came a time little Jeremy was caught in an escape plan. And that's when Scott killed him right in front of you and his own brother, Leorden." He began to summarize.

I could hear the others coming from behind me. But before they could interfere, I took a moment out of my invisibility to tell them to shut up. Quietly. And so they did, and laid low with me as I went invisible again. "Wait, is that-" I covered Zaina's mouth.

"Oh how sad it was for us to lose so many good tools that would've aided us in this war. But moving on, Scott had killed Jeremy. Yet somehow, he had a trump card that not even we knew was possible." Bartholomew laid his eyes on Jeremy. "His power derives off of cold flames, and immortality." He finished.

My ears perked at the mention of the last word. 'Immortality'. It sounded cool to me, but the others looked to be caught by surprise when I turned around, or in utter distraught. Besides Mango, X, and Max of course.

"He's... immortal...?" Majin whispered in question, but Max kept his hand over his mouth. "Maybe he is, but we're sure not. So zip it..!" Max shushed him as quietly as he could. I looked up at Nagima, and all I could see was... nothing.

Their eyes were blank of emotion, despite being so colorful. Tears profusely streamed down their eyes. And if there was any emotion that I could sense from their mind? It was a calamity of shock, sadness, guilt, and betrayal.

"Scott handed his lifeless body over to the clean up crew. At least before Jeremy managed to freeze-burn them alive as soon as he got out of the Asylum's barrier to escape for his miserable life." Bartholomew glared at a guilty Jeremey.

He couldn't even bring himself to look at them. Guilt and shame plagued his face when he tried looking at an emotionally distraught Nagima. "I'm sorry." Jeremy said, with a tear streaming down his eye.

A split second later, Nagima dove and attempted to slice off Bartholomew's head. Effortlessly, he moved his head to the right, letting his cheek get cut instead. Nagima slid on the ground on all ten toes, right in front of Jeremy.

"Ouch. Well, this is what I get for trying to be nice." Bartholomew began to smile, as if he was about to have the best time of his life. Despite blood trickling down his cheek.

"N-Nagima..?" Jeremy was at a loss for words. "Shut up." Nagima made him hush real quick. "You're either gonna let me fight, or join me for f#ck's sake. Got it?" Nagima glared at Jeremy with glowing eyes. "Yeah.. let's go." Jeremy clenched his fist, conjuring a blue flame.

Majin looked like he was about to jump in, but Max grabbed his arm all too quickly for him to move. "What're you doing..?!" Majin exclaimed lowly. "Let them cook." Max implied. "What?!" Majin was confused.

"Nagima wants to prove themself? Let's see how they fair against them. Now let. them. cook." Max repeated.

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