Chapter 8

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Silver's POV:

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I couldn't even believe what I had heard. My best friend was royalty... this whole time?! Heck, I didn't even know I was royalty until a few years ago. And on top of that, she had the fire stone!

"Woah.." I couldn't help but stare in awe. "It's actually that easy??" Leo looked at the stone in surprise, mixed with disbelief. "C-can I..?" Alex slightly held her hand out to touch it. But Mecca blocked her from the direction of the stone.

"I need your word." Mecca demanded. It took me a little, but I knew what he meant. Alex on the other hand, had a questioning glance. "I need your word. That you'll keep this stone safe with your life. No matter what. Do you hear me?" He spoke to Alex.

Alex nodded firmly. "I promise. You have my word." Alex spoke. Mecca moved from Alex's way, allowing her to take hold of the fire stone. And with a jolt, she almost dropped it like she carried a burning hot lava stone. Luckily she caught it, her hands augmented with electricity.

"I swear if you dropped it-" Leo nearly warned. "Calm down. She didn't though. Now let's hurry up before the humans show up." Hart ushered, but it was too late. As soon as he said that, a loud BOOM was heard from outside the castle.

I gave Hart a look of disbelief. "So... Hurry up you say?" I acted smart. He gave me an exasperated expression, and looked at Faria and her newly introduced lover. "If I know any better, I'd say those are the humans right now." Hart commented.

And just a moment later, a wounded fire dragon came through the doors with a limping leg. "MY EMPRESS! THE HUMANS ARE ATTACKING! WE NEED YOU PLEASE!!" He begged for his dear life.

"Sh*t. So they were right about the humans attacking after all.." Mecca clenched his fists. Seeing how he felt, I was feeling urged to share in his feelings. "Let us help. We can drive them off together. Keep this place safe." I suggested.

Mecca looked at me eye to eye. "I appreciate your concern Lord Tenku, but this is our kingdom. One that we need to protect." He insisted. And then another loud BANG occurred from outside. "From what I hear, it's not like you have a choice." Hart commented.

Mecca looked down, possibly thinking about the outcome of the situation. "It's okay. They can help if they really want to." Faria started walking towards the exit, making the decision for him. "Thank you. I promise you won't regret it." I bowed.

"Don't bow, just listen." Faria stopped and looked at me dead in the eye. "Attack when you have to. If not, leave it to me and Mecca." Faria asserted. "She's right. This is our home. A home we need to protect." Mecca laid a hand on his shoulder, his eyes glowing orange as he mentioned him and Faria.

'Oh my, they're a pretty prideful bunch aren't they?' Terra commented in my mind. 'You'll get that vibe from anyone who owns a throne. Just remember that Silver.' Maoi spoke lastly. I couldn't say I didn't understand, because I did.

Naturally, dragons were born with power. Any more power given, and their heads will aim higher than the clouds. Still, despite being of royal blood myself, I nodded to their words. "Okay. Let's go." Faria lead the way out.

"Guards! Protect the throne with your life if you have to!!" Mecca commanded as we ran out of the castle. The guards huffed in gruff understanding. The guards at the entrance opened the castle doors for us, expecting us through.

Once we got out, we stopped dead in our tracks. We could see nothing but chaos. Wizards we're at the entrance of the kingdom, zapping and destroying everything in sight. And the carnage even spread near the eastern side of the castle.

Bodies could be seen from down there. Some belonging to both the good and evil humans, and most belonging to the innocent fire dragons that merely wanted to protect their home. I dropped my jaw as I witnessed the carnage. Just like before.

"Those bastards..." Mecca clenched his fists. "They don't have a single idea... on how hard we've worked!" Mecca's eyes glinted as hot as the flame in the sky. "I'll kill them." Faria said in a dark tone of voice. "I swear I'll kill them." She repeated, this time I could see her appearance begin to change.

I can't say that didn't concern me, but I wasn't dumbfounded by it either."Be careful now. In your condition, you should-" Mecca tried warning her about something. Whatever it was, Faria did not care. She took off into the sky as a trail of flames followed her.

"What is she doing?!" Alex exclaimed. "Letting her emotions take over." Mecca looked up as Faria's body started to ignite and morph from the inside out. And with a loud roar, a big burst of flames appeared from the sky as a new scaly Faria landed on top of a nearby rock stand.

 And with a loud roar, a big burst of flames appeared from the sky as a new scaly Faria landed on top of a nearby rock stand

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"Woah." Leo awed with a slight tone of impression. Hart merely stared. Alex and me, we couldn't help but feel amazed by such a sight. 'Damn. I didn't think she had it in her.' Chalk spoke suddenly. "Hush Chalk.." I said under my breath.

Instead of going down the stairs, Mecca pulled off a mega leap into the air, completely hurdling himself over the huge staircase. As he dived down towards the village, his clothing became more and more scorched as bright yellow flames erupted from his body, like a falling meteor.

And with a loud FWOOM, he landed at the area where the most of the humans attacked. That being the entrance of course. And another second later, a huge inferno erupted from where he landed. "Dang, he's strong." I blurted.

"Agreed." Hart nodded. "At least she didn't marry a total weakling" Leo yawned. "Uh... guys??" Alex alerted us with a nervous tone. "What's up?" I asked. "Should we have told them about our last encounter with those humans..?" Alex reminded.

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