Chapter 6

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Faria's POV:

And there I sat on my blazing gold throne, caught aghast by the sight of the dragon King, my former teacher, my former mentor, and my cold best friend. "King Hart, Alex, Leo, Silver?!" I listed their names, seeing if I got them right and hoped to God I wasn't dreaming.

"What the heck-Faria you're ROYALTY?!" Leo shouted in surprise. In retaliation, the dragon guards of the castle tensed up, ready to defend with warm glowing eyes. "Don't be rash! They know me. Guards, on standby if you will." I reacted in a heartbeat. Like always, they obeyed.

After a quick exhale of relief, I kept my focus on the people I had once interacted with. "What's going here?" I asked while getting up from my throne, walking towards them with my red and black dress dragging on the symmetric red carpet.

"So-wait a minute. Something just isn't adding up here!" Alex held her hands on top of her head, almost as if seeing her student become a fire queen was too much to handle. Letalone witness. "Faria, you're a princess??" Silver asked, vocally shocked.

"Nice question for someone who also happened to be royal blood this entire time. Am I right Elsa?" I stopped right in front of him, smirking. "Yeah yeah, but that's in my blood. I didn't know my Dad was a royal." Silver excused.

"Mhm. Same could be said for my Mom." I responded, awaiting a response from the lot of them. They all gasped in absolute surprise and astonishment. Well, all except for King Hart. My guess was that he's known such a fact before even I did.

As for the others, they reacted the same way I expected them to. "Wait hold on a second, what do you mean by that?!" Silver wanted answer. I smirked in kind, ready to give him the info I had come to find out after I was revived.

But before I could do that, I heard the giant gold and red door open to my left. It was Mecca, my boyfriend. He rubbed his eyes and yawned in exhaustion, and sleep. "Sweetie, what's all this noise...?" He groaned.

"Oh I'm sorry dear. It's nothing of dire importance. You can go back to sleep." I smiled, hoping I didn't interrupt any good dream he was having. Slowly, his gaze shifted from me, to our new castle guests. "Ohh I see now. Honey, why didn't you tell me we had visitors." Mecca fixed his messy long burnt orange hair.

" Mecca fixed his messy long burnt orange hair

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Right then and there was the moment I blushed. He just, looked so damn hot... I couldn't resist! I honestly didn't mind if we went another round after this. However, I still had guests and old friends in the room, so I was forced to calm down.

"I simply wanted to tell them about my mother's history, if I may." I summed up the situation. "Ah I see. Well in that case-" Mecca walked out of the bedroom doors, closed them, and leaned on the rich tuned walls.

"Go on. I won't interrupt." Mecca smiled. "Your sexy face might do that for me.." I witted. Instead of giving me a proper response, he winked. I could feel my heart flutter with heat like the kindling flames of a forest fire.

Quickly, I looked away from my flirt of a husband, and focused on my confused adult friends. "Oh yeah, I have a boyfriend. His name is Mecca!" I smiled innocently. "Yeah, I think we can see that." Leo stated.

"Well um... you still gonna explain?" Silver asked, seeming a little anxious to know about my family history. "Of course! So anyways-" I cleared my throat, getting ready to tell them about the kind of empress that my mother was.

"Before I was born, my mother ruled this kingdom before me. She was an amazing dragonblood with extreme precision, and critical thinking skills. She was also renowned, the smartest fire empress of the century because of all the problems she's solved." I dubbed.

"But then came the day my father and her became known to each other's existence via royal council. Instantly, that's when my mother began to fall for him. And it turns out, my father used to be an emperor for the East decades ago." I added.

I saw Alex's eyes widen for a moment, along with Silver who's jaw basically dropped. But King Hart and Leo didn't look that impressed. So of course, like any good storyteller, I kept moving on.

"For years they hunted, conversed, ruled, and loved until they eventually got married. Which also in turn, lead to my creation. I was my mother's pride and joy, my father said. She would even cook another dragon's baby for me, he said." I smiled, trying to hide my sorrow from the next part.

"But of course came the time my mother had another huge burden to carry. Turns out, she was crowned in order to take care of one of the elemental stones. The fire stone. Every western fire royal is tasked with protecting it until the day they die." I looked down for a moment.

"And then-" "Hey. You can stop now." Mecca walked towards me, laying a hand on my shoulder. "I'll take it from here. You and I both found out the truth, didn't we? It's only right you shouldn't do it alone." Mecca reasoned with me.

I wanted to protest, but he kept looking at me with those bright and kind orange eyes of his. I couldn't dare to say no, and especially because I knew he could read me like a book. He knew I was sad. So, I let him take my place. And stepped back.

"And then came the day Empress Firaga was ill." Mecca started where I left off, facing Silver and the others. "Faria was a dragonling when this happened, but her mother became weak due to a severe illness." Mecca exposed the truth.

"And somehow, her enemies caught a wind of said truth. She knew what was up to. As someone who was tasked to keep the fire stone safe for a lifetime, she knew that not only would the stone be in danger, but her entire family would be caught in the crossfire." Mecca crossed his arms while looking down.

"She hated such a course of action, but she needed to leave. To keep her family safe, she made her family leave this palace, and faced assassination from her enemies. But by the time they did that, it was too late. For the fire stone was already hidden from their clutches." Mecca ended.

The others looked at me with pity, and sympathy. Silver being the first one to walk up to me, gave me a hug. "I'm sorry that happened to you. Believe me." Although he was an ice dragon, I could feel the warmth of his genuineness.

Tears fell down my eyes when I reciprocated the same action. Luckily, Mecca understood I needed this, and decided to let it happen with a smile. "Wait, if that's the case, where's the fire stone now?" Leo asked suddenly.

"Why do you want to know?" Mecca raised an eyebrow. "That's none of your business pretty boy." Leo retorted. "Excuse me?" Mecca was caught aghast as I wiped the tears off my face. "Forgive him, he doesn't know how to act." King Hart gave Leo a murderous glare.

Leo gulped, and just looked away. "We come here because the Satan's hands are in search of all the elemental stones. We fear they might come here." King Hart fed us the bad news. I felt my heart drop, from the memory of when I first died by the hands of a human.

I clenched my fists in hate, wanting nothing to do with those humans. "It's in my palm." I blurted. "Huh?" Alex looked at me confused. "Whenever someone becomes queen of this kingdom, they make an oath to become one with the stone." I excreted the red hot stone from the skin of my palm.

" I excreted the red hot stone from the skin of my palm

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"This right here, is the sole blemish upon my family." I looked at with empty disgust, desperate to have it taken away.

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