Authors note.

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Thank you thank you thank you thank you. 

For every single person who has read this story, voted on the parts, left comments, reached out to me with nice things to say, been excited for new updates and for being overall being such angels. I can't thank you enough for your support. I truly loved writing this with my entire being. 

My idea with this book was to just get some creativity out, and I used some of my daydream scenarios and made them into a story. Hence the name Rêveries if anyone was still wondering about that. 

I took Céline and I gave her struggles that either me or my close friends struggle with. Anxiety being a very common issue. Depression and insecurity as well. I wanted her to feel as real as possible, and for people to connect with her in some ways. I want you to know that you are not alone with any of these struggles, but it can also get better, and I truly hope for anyone struggling with anything at the moment, that it gets better for you. 

Remember to love yourselves. Remember that you are worth as much as anyone else. You so much time, don't waste it being your biggest bully. 

My idea was also to show the different struggles that people can face in different stages of life, especially when transitioning from a teen into an adult with the sudden pressure of all the new responsibilities and expectations. 

Struggles don't stop at 22. Neither does this story. 

If you liked the ending, if it gave you the closure you wanted and you're happy to leave it and move on. Thank you for stopping by, I enjoyed your company. I wish you all the best, and thank you for letting me take up a little bit of your time. 

If you don't feel like you're done here... neither am I. 

I'll see you in  Rêveuse. 

Thank you all x

RêveriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora