Chapter 89.

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Charles was still in the car when Arthur called Joris. They were on the last lap of the race, so Joris didn't know what to do with the information he'd been given. He knew his best friend would be upset to get the information too late, but Charles can be irrational at times, and without thinking he might as well stop the car on track and just walk off. Besides, how could he get the information to him while he was in the car still?

"Cosa sta succedendo?" What's going on? Andrea asked, standing beside Joris as he got the call from Arthur. "Sembra che tu abbia visto un fantasma," Looks like you've seen a ghost, he chuckled, but when Joris didn't laugh back, his face went serious again.

Joris knew there were cameras everywhere, as well as fans and people that shouldn't have the information he had just gotten. So he took a few steps away from everyone and he covered his mouth as he spoke, trying to keep a neutral look on his face.

"Céline è in ambulanza, diretta all'ospedale. Arthur dice che va male e sembrava molto stressato," Céline is in the ambulance, on her way to the hospital. Arthur says it's bad and seemed very stressed, he explained, watching Andrea quickly look around before stepping into the garage.

He left Joris in the back as he somehow made his way to the pit wall. Joris saw how Andrea spoke to Charles' engineer. Suddenly the headphones everyone in the box were wearing went silent to ensure that no one heard the message they were giving Charles.

"Mattia parlerà con la FIA per sollevare Charles dai suoi doveri di media... dobbiamo assicurarci che sia pronto a partire non appena scende dalla macchina," Mattia will be speaking to the FIA ​​to relieve Charles of his media duties...we need to make sure he is ready to go as soon as he gets out of the car, Andrea said as soon as he got back, immediately leaving to pack up Charles' things.

Joris waited for Charles, standing ready with his things in the garage. Andrea was somewhere packing, or talking to someone, while Joris was left to worry about Charles who was probably worried sick. He saw Charles park his car in the pit lane and mechanics were quick to help him out of the car. He ran over to Joris, taking off his helmet and handing it to whoever was near him before taking his things from Joris.

"Avez-vous parlé à Arthur?" Have you spoken to Arthur? he asked. Joris nodded his head slowly, "Savez-vous ce qui se passe?" Do you know what's going on?

"Non mais je pense qu'elle s'est blessée dans la compétition," No but I think she was injured in the competition, Joris replied, following Charles as he hurried through the garage, unzipping his race suit. "Peut-être qu'elle vient de se casser le bras?" Maybe she just broke her arm?

"Alors ils ne m'appelleraient pas... et Arthur ne serait pas hystérique," Then they wouldn't call me... and Arthur wouldn't be hysterical, Charles replied.

"Il n'était pas hystérique... il était un peu stressé," He wasn't hysterical... he was a little stressed, Joris said in an attempt to calm Charles down.

"Il sait mieux que de m'appeler si ce n'est pas une urgence," He knows better than to call me if it's not an emergency, Charles said as he walked in to change into different clothes. "Et je m'en fous si c'est un bras cassé ou un doigt cassé... si elle veut que je sois là alors j'y vais," And I don't care if it's a broken arm or a broken finger... if she wants me there, then I go.

He came out not long after that, retrieving his phone from Andrea who had shown up to bring Charles up to speed, telling him there'll be a plane waiting for him at the airport when he gets there. Joris stayed behind and saw Charles and Andrea rushing past the fans and the media with his phone to his ear, trying desperately to reach Arthur or Evie. He didn't know if Evie was even there, he just knew that whatever had happened, he didn't want C to feel alone.

Andrea drove Charles to the hotel to allow him to quickly pack his bag, and then straight to the airport. Charles rushed right in, being taken to the jet by airport security while Andrea drove back to the paddock to deal with Charles' absence.

Joris waited anxiously to hear anything. He didn't really know why he was still at the paddock, if Charles wasn't there, Joris had no job to do. He just waited around to see if Andrea would come back and need anything from him. He wanted to know what had happened to C, because even though he tried to convince Charles it was something minor just to calm him down, it sure as hell didn't sound just like a broken arm in the way Arthur had spoken.

"Où Charles est-il allé?" Where did Charles go? Pierre asked. He was still in his race suit and he was holding his water bottle, being followed by his media coach. "Je le cherchais dans l'enclos des médias et ils ont dit qu'il s'était précipité d'ici," I was looking for him in the media pen and they told me he rushed out of here.

"Arthur a appelé d'une ambulance, C a été blessé et il a dit à Charles de venir rapidement," Arthur called from an ambulance, C was injured and he told Charles to come quickly, Joris explained after he had made sure there was no camera around.

"Ce qui s'est passé?" What happened? Pierre asked, standing up straighter, his face gone completely serious as he got his phone from his media coach.

"Je n'ai rien entendu, nous l'avons juste envoyé sur son chemin," I haven't heard anything, we just sent him on his way, Joris replied.

"Charles asked me to make sure nothing about C starts to circulate before we know what's going on and before C is comfortable to share anything. We can't do anything about the video, but let's not say anything about it if asked," Mia said the second she came up to Joris and Pierre.

"Video? What video?" Pierre asked. Mia sighed as she handed her phone to Pierre, showing a video from twitter. It was of the dance, then shows just until you can hear the crowd gasp at the fall.

They could see it looked bad, and even though they didn't want to say it out loud, they knew what it meant.

"I'm going to go change, can someone call Charles and ask if he can wait? I'll go right from here," Pierre says, already beginning to walk away.

"Pierre, you have media duties," his media coach called after him.

"I'll take the fine!" He yelled back before jogging away.

Pierre rushed out of the paddock, leaving his things behind to not stall Charles. He just knew that C would need as much support as possible, because everyone seeing that video probably knew, even if she didn't. Charles would need the support too, because there's nothing seeing the person you love suffer in the way that C is about to suffer.

"Why wasn't I informed?!" Max exclaimed forty minutes later when the news had broke that C was injured.

He was walking with his media manager through the paddock after being in the media pen. The interviewers had seen the video and they knew Charles was relieved of his media duties. They put two and two together and figured that was why he had left. Pierre was just skipping out.

"It feels a bit empty in here," Max had joked when walking up to do an interview.

"Yeah, Charles and Pierre leaving a little early left some extra space," the interviewer had replied, making Max look around to notice it was true.

"Where did they go?"

"Los Angeles, I believe. Céline Bianchi got hurt pretty badly."

"She got hurt?" Max asked, and as soon as he was done in there he asked anyone who'd know what had happened, which was only a handful of people in the Ferrari garage.

He went to call his sister, but went to voicemail. He tried Arthur, but there was no answer there either. He tried C, but her phone was turned off. Max got more and more frustrated and figured he'd just google it to see if there was anything, and sure as hell there was. The video was right there, showing exactly what had happened. It was time for him to pack up too. 


Don't get used to the daily updates though, it's just to not maximize the torture of cliffhangers too much. xx 

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