Chapter 3.

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August 24th 2001
The day I took my first steps. Charles, who was nearly four at the time, was ready to catch me even though I swear he was in diapers still. Arthur, who hadn't learned how to walk yet, pushed me. That was probably the first day I knew I wanted to swear. But I couldn't speak... so I screamed.

Charles told Arthur, the one year old who couldn't tell a ball from a lamp, off with an angry tone even though the guy couldn't even pronounce his R's yet. From my experience I probably grinned while watching it happen.

October 17th 2001
We celebrated our first birthday together. Arthur had to wait for three whole days for his birthday but this was their idea of fair because it was after everyone's birthday. Personally it should've been on my birthday because it's in the middle but apparently that's not fair?
Charles was the only one old enough to enjoy the cake and the toys because me and Arthur couldn't tell a toy from our own feet. The pictures from this day are hideous.

February 18th 2004
Arthur and I tried nursery school. They tried to separate us and make us play with the other children. They expressed their concerns to our parents, that it could end up being unhealthy being attached to someone all the time. Stupid bitches sat him with the boys and me with the girls, they were so progressive at the time.
It didn't stick though and our parents told them to let us play with each other. Attachment issues would clearly not affect us at three years old.

August 3rd 2004
Jules turned fifteen and the nursery had helped me put my color-dipped hands on a canvas and then they helped me wrap it for him. He said he loved it which I feel is a blatant lie, but it was sweet. He kept the canvas next to his bed. It's still there.

June 16th 2005
We saw Jules and Lorenzo graduate school. I was about to turn five and I didn't realize how I would see my brother less and less. I began to hate karting and racing because it stole my brother because he never had the time to be home. He was always away racing.

September 6th 2006
Jules was home for my first day of school. I told mum and dad to stay home because Jules would walk me there. He held my hand all the way there and all the way to my seat. Charles was considered old enough to walk both him and Arthur to school, especially since Jules would be walking me from the house next door to the exact same school.

This day there was a red-headed little bitch who wouldn't let me jump rope with them because I had "boy germs" all over me. I said that Arthur was nice but she just turned away. I pulled her ponytail and ran away, decided to just stay with Arthur until I graduated even if it was ages until then.

There's a before and after picture of me and Arthur from this day. In the first one we were smiling in our uniforms, in the second one Arthur is doing something in my face trying to fix my angry pout.

November 13th 2007
It was time for recess and I went outside, looking for Arthur. He was with a group of boys so I ran up to them. The boys with Arthur frowned and said I couldn't play with them because there were "no girls allowed". I felt my bottom lip tremble but decided it was easier to just kick the boy who said it, so I did. Arthur did come play with me, telling the boys they were childish

The boy I kicked told on me later that day and I got in trouble. They told my mum and the information got back to Jules who said that I did the right thing.

November 14th 2007
The boys Arthur turned down the day before started mocking Arthur for choosing me over them. We were swinging and they walked past doing kissing noises. I got off the swing, walking up to push one of the boys. He fell and got a nose bleed.

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