Chapter 51.

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Charles and I woke up to the first wave of rumors about us circulating on social media.

I woke up the morning after Evie's birthday with a slight hangover and I guess that the people who drank more than I did will feel even worse, so I crawled out of bed without Charles noticing and I prepared all the fruit that I bought the day before. Pulp is supposed to get rid of hangovers due to all the vitamins. I placed it on the table outside along with juice and water with ice in it. I also put some bread out for the people who wanted more for breakfast than fruit, but I didn't feel like making pancakes, eggs or bacon for everyone.

I cleaned up the rest as I waited for people to wake up. I took the dresses from the string lights and folded them. The guests came downstairs one by one and sat around the table, eating the fruit happily.

"I've had worse experiences at hotels," Carlos said as he ate an orange wedge.

"If you open a hotel I'll stay there until the day I die," Lily says and I watch as Isa agrees. I love these people, they're so kind, always.

When Lewis came downstairs he immediately started apologizing and before I could ask what he was apologizing for, Charles whistled to get my attention. He had a phone pressed to his ear and waved me over. I walked into the kitchen where he was and he put the phone on speaker so I could hear Mia speaking.

"Céline, hi, I'm just calling to give you a little warning," she said, and I looked up at Charles who had his eyebrows furrowed, "So, they're onto you on social media. Lewis' Instagram story from last night showed you in the background, just the slightest so that's mostly people speculating, but then Isaak posted on his Instagram as Evelina opened a gift and they can basically see you on Charles' lap. I think Isaak is private on Instagram and therefore didn't think it was going to spread, but I mean... there's always someone."

"But Charles hasn't said anything about Lucie yet," I say, looking up at him, but he looks away. He hasn't confirmed their break up and now this is out there.

"They've been speculating about them breaking up for a while now, it should be fine," Mia says, but my mind is already spiraling into overthinking every little thing they can say about me for everyone to say.

"Charles you need to say you broke up with Lucie," I say, looking at him with pleading eyes, but he just shakes his head. He takes my hand and holds it, but he won't say anything and he's still shaking his head. They're going to skin me alive on the internet and he's not going to do anything to prevent it.

"I'm going to advise against that, because it will basically confirm that there's something between you. He's opening a door that says he can be close to you because he's no longer with his ex, it would look very obvious if he said something right now," Mia says on the other end of the line. My breathing feels strained as I realize there's nothing we can do to stop it now.

We can't blame any of the ones that posted the stories, because it's not their responsibility to make sure that we're not being close around other people. Isaak thought it was fine because his Instagram is private and as far as I know, no one has told me that Charles and I are supposed to be something secret. Lewis can't check the background of every story he posts, either.

I hear someone calling my name to ask me a question, so I take it as my way out of the conversation and I turn around to help Lance who was asking what he should do with his dirty towel from last night. Charles is calling my name behind me but I ignore it and go with Lance, even though he seems to question it, but he stays quiet.

When I've helped everyone who needs it, I get help from Isa and Carmen to clean up after breakfast. None of them mention what's going on online, but I'm not sure they know. Charles has gone outside to help Pierre and Arthur with the table and to put everything that needs to be put away before we leave again. I am trying so hard not to be angry at him for not saying something earlier. He's had over a month and he still hasn't, even though he knows what would be said about me if something like this happened. I excuse myself from the kitchen and go upstairs.

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