Chapter 66.

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While Charles went to Singapore and Russia, I was dancing with Elliòtt, growing more and more sick of him every single day. I was so, so, so sick of his stupid face and his stupid opinion and how stuck up he was. How he kept talking to me like he was so much better than me and that there's no way I know better than him in anything.

As soon as Evie came home, even if it was only for like a week before going back to deal with more meetings with lawyers and other things in preparation for the trial that would be held against her childhood best friend, I dragged her with me to the studio. She needed to think about something else and she needed to let go and do something she loves. So I made her dance with me and I saw her mood lift a little more every minute she was moving to the music. It was heartwarming to see her smile shine through again.

We spent our evenings together. We cooked, she watched movies with Pascale and I and we tried to get a taste of the final sunrays for the year. She seemed to crack through her shell a little and sometimes she even spoke about it just to get some of the load off her chest. She wished Max was more present, but of course he can't, considering he has to race.

I took her with me to Germany for Arthur's last race of the season. Arthur was excited to have us both there and he introduced us to every single soul on the grid. Lorenzo was there keeping a constant eye on us, considering he knows exactly what we can be like on the Formula 1 grid, so when we're surrounded by young people who might be equally as mischievous as the two of us, he thought it was better to keep a close eye on us.

As soon as Arthur was done with his races, and thereby his whole season. We waited around for him to say goodbye to everyone, because he was moving on to FRECA for 2020 as he had signed with Prema and also with Ferrari Driver Academy earlier in the week. But as soon as he was done at the paddock, we took him out to celebrate the fact that he was a Ferrari junior. We ate and we drank and we found a karaoke bar where we made him sing with us.

I was so proud of him.

But then Arthur had to do some end of season things, Evie had to go back to Belgium because Max was coming back from Russia and they had some things to deal with as a whole family. Usually, the four of them did things as damage control whenever Max had the time. But I came back home and I was alone.

Pascale and I started a criminal drama show that we watched together every night. After she got off work, we'd play tennis or golf. One night she even took me to meet her old friends from high school and introduced me as 'Céline, Christine's daughter and my daughter in law' which made them all gasp and put their hands to their chest before they started old-lady giggling. She probably didn't have to introduce me at all, because they know my mother very well, even if they haven't seen her in a while.

Every night, I lie awake trying to make a decision about Japan. I had to make a decision soon, and it was getting closer and closer. On the phone, Charles was giving hints about wanting to know whether or not I'd be going or not and I bet that Sophia was equally as stressed about not knowing whether or not I was willing to go with her.

The thing that made me decide was simply anger. They always say to not make decisions while angry, but Elliòtt had made another stupid comment, this time about my costumes and how they were getting in the way and distracting him. Out of nowhere, I decided to give him something else to complain about, telling him I had to go away for more than just one practice to grieve my brother. The brother part shut him up, but I could see on his face that he wasn't happy at all.

The same evening I got the invitation out and I stared at the number for a while before actually calling her, telling her I'd go with her. She thanked me profusely and then we went on to plan the whole trip like I plan my other Grand Prix trips. After that I informed Charles, who tried to hide his happiness by sounding worried when he asked me if I was okay to do that. Then I told Pascale, who said absolutely nothing, she just silently shook her head, then nodded, then shook her head again. Then it was Arthur.

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