Chapter 18.

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Evie and I like to sleep in. We will sleep until the sun has been up for hours and it's time for lunch rather than breakfast. When we do wake up, we don't like to talk to each other for some time, so we lay in my bed on our phones until we're ready to actually do something. But when there are restless boys in the house, I guess that's not allowed.

The last day of July, the boys all rumble into my bedroom, yelling loudly to wake us up. I wake up in a scare and just stare at them standing around my bed while my brain is trying to register what's happening. Evie sits up next to me, looking around with wide eyes, looking horrified, which makes the boys laugh at her. When it registers that it's just them ruining my morning, I lay down again, putting one of my pillows over my head to block out the bright light and their stupidity. It's quickly ripped from me and thrown back into my face.

"Je te déteste," I hate you, I mutter as I grab it and put it back under my bed.

"Get up," Charles orders us and I turn my head to look at him with furrowed brows.

"Are you actually nuts? Are you having a stroke?" I ask, widening my eyes because I can't believe what I'm hearing. I don't care what time it is. It's too early. "Who do you think you are? Walking in here throwing orders around," I chuckle at him before grabbing the stuffed bear that sleeps between me and Evie like our child and I throw it towards his head.

"It's almost noon," Pierre says and I grunt in response.

"They're not the best morning people," Arthur says, trying to excuse our sleeping, but I don't feel like it's something that needs apologizing. We like sleeping, other people don't like being bothered, and we can't bother them if we're sleeping.

I feel a hand wrap around my ankle and my eyes shoot wide open just in time to see the mattress disappear under me as Charles drags me off the bed and I land on the floor. I turn around to glare at him while he tries to hide his smile. As I stand up he goes over to hide behind Pierre and Arthur. I have no energy to have it out with him right now so I just lay right back down in bed.

"I swear to god!" Evie yells next to me and I look up again, "Stop poking me!" She sits up to slap Pierre's arm over and over again while he laughs and backs away from the bed. She fake cries into her pillow and... girl, I feel you.

"We're going on a hike, get up," Charles says and I feel the mattress dip beside my hips. I try to move in on the bed to get closer to Evie but he's already grabbed my waist, squeezing it quickly to tickle me. My arm flies over and hits him in the back of the head.

"Then go!" I yell, my voice muffled from the pillow.

"Then get up!" Pierre yells back at me, even leaning over the bed to get closer to my ear. He's leaning over Evie's too though and she is not having it. She slaps him and his mouth falls open as he looks down at her. He rips the blanket off of her and picks her up even when she's whining and trying to get away.

"Put me down you massive... chipmunking looking... ass!" She yells as he walks her out of the room and dumps her on the couch outside of my room. He then runs back into my room and he closes the door behind him to hold her off a little. He runs over to my bed, literally steps on it and runs over it as Evie chases him, following his trail. Why did we let these people in our home?

"Lève-toi, toi aussi," Get up, you too, Charles says, grabbing my wrists and pulling me until I'm sitting up. I sigh as I stare at him for a moment. We look over at Pierre holding onto Evie's shoulders to keep her at an arm-lengths distance. They're both laughing now and I turn back to Charles. He still holds onto my wrists, still pulling to keep me sitting up.

"J'ai été sur ta piste avant, laisse-moi tranquille," I've already been on your trail, leave me alone, I whine. I feel two hands on my back, pushing me until I'm fully standing up next to my bed. Arthur pushes me away from the bed and over towards my closet. Pierre finally lets go of Evie and then walks her over to the closet and places her next to me.

"Get changed now," he says and Evie sighs in defeat, "Bonne fille," he says as he walks out. Evie leans in next to me.

"What did he say?" She asks and I clear my throat a little.

"He called you a good girl," I say and watch as her whole face goes red. I giggle to myself and at her because of how she reacts and then we both take a deep breath.

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