Chapter 21.

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We spent our days mostly the same. It became our daily routine that they barged into my room and made room for themselves before watching Gossip Girl in my bed. Evie and I were barely watching because we were too tired when they came in every morning.

During the days we mostly went on hikes, played tennis, went swimming or some other lame athletic activity. We also started going to the golf track and played some. One day we took the boat out and they kept throwing us into the water from different parts of the boat. It was a hot day and all five of us were there. Evie and I didn't feel like swimming so Pierre and Charles threw us in. After that I insulted Charles, so he threw me in from the top of the boat.

Pierre and Evie were getting closer and closer and more and more touchy. It became quite the habit for him to sneak an arm around her waist in the mornings while we were watching TV and none of us really cared either. It was obvious to the rest of us that it was going to happen. The day on the boat, they were quite close for some reason I'm not aware of and the pictures spread creating rumors upon rumors about the two. Not only that. Rumors about me and Charles started showing up and I was petrified about these rumors being on the internet and anywhere but under my control.

The rumors were mostly based on the boat-day. Mostly because the first time he threw me in the water he carried me bridal style and also jumped into the water. Apparently that's enough proof to think we're dating. We had lunch on the boat and Charles drank from my drink, which he always does, mind you, and that made it 'so obvious' to people. When we got off the boat, he held my hand to steady me as I walked between the boat and the dock and guess what... holding hands is only for couples and therefore we should be dating.

We never talked about the rumors, I wasn't even sure if he was aware of them, but if he was he didn't want to bring it up. I didn't want it either so I left the subject alone. Evie was getting anxious though, having to explain everything to Max every time he called her to ask about a new photo. I was starting to understand why she thought he wouldn't let her date any friends of his.

Luckily, no one else asked any of us about these things either, because all our friends know what the media does. They take anything, make it a story and they post it even if it's complete and utter bullshit.

After the picture of me visiting Jules went around, people were quick to jump to my defense, saying it was disgusting to spread such a photo. Lewis sent out a tweet saying that the way people used my grief to make money was appalling and after that I saw the picture disappear. A lot of people had things to say about the photo, some people claiming it was a pretty photo so I shouldn't be upset but then people would reply and say that it was about the photographer not respecting my privacy that was the issue, not the look of the photo. I was told by the media coach to not address it even if people were to ask me about it, so I didn't.

One night, Evie and I got so tired of being around the boys all the time and decided we had to sneak away from them. When we open my bedroom door and peek our heads over the railing by the stairs we see them sitting in the living room, for once. They're never there. But now, right when we want to pass them sneakily, they have to sit there? We sigh and go back to my room. Evie goes to the window and looks out and then opens it.

"I guess we have no other choice," She says, grabbing a pair of shoes she has here before climbing out through the window. I follow her and look at her with worry as she jumps down and lands on the grass. She waves for me to come down and I mutter and swear to myself as I grab my shoes and climb through the window. I jump down and brush myself off with a few grunts and whines. I hate doing this. I like doors a lot better, actually.

We sneak around to the garage on the front of his house and we struggle to get the bikes out past all the junk surrounding them. We get on them and hurry off, letting them roll us down the hill and towards the water. We take them with us to the edge of one of the docks, where there's a bench which we sit down on.

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