Chapter 46.

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I wake up engulfed by Charles' scent. I smile to myself and open my eyes. I look up to see that he's still asleep. I begin to take in his beauty, but am almost immediately interrupted by a knock at the door. Charles jumps awake and, in a panic, I shove Charles away from me as quickly as possible. He stands up out of my bed just seconds before Arthur walks into my room.

"Que faites-vous ici?" What are you doing here? Arthur asks Charles.

"Uhh... Que faites-vous ici?" Uhh... What are you doing here? Charles shoots back. Wow, a goddamn genius right here. I mentally put my face in my palms. Arthur completely scrunches his face up in confusion and tilts his head to the side.

"Je venais réveiller C." I was coming to wake C up.

"Ah oui, moi aussi..." Oh yeah, me too...

"Tu!? Tu ne la réveilles jamais. Je la réveille tous les matins." You!? You never wake her up. I wake her up every morning, Arthur says pointing at Charles.

"Eh bien peut-être que je pensais que ton visage était trop surprenant pour être vu dès le matin et qu'elle préférerait un changement!" Well maybe I thought your face was too startling to see first thing in the morning and she'd prefer a change! Charles shrugs, making Arthur give him a dumb look and give him the same one.

"L'un de vous a-t-il déjà pensé que je ne voulais peut-être pas vous voir demain matin?" Has either of you ever thought that maybe I don't want to see any of you first thing in the morning? They both give me hurt looks. That's going to be something I have to explain to Charles later, I just know it. "Eh bien, maintenant que je suis réveillé, pourquoi ne descendrions-nous pas prendre un petit déjeuner?" Well, now that I'm awake, why don't we go downstairs and have some breakfast? I say getting out of bed and putting a sweatshirt on.

"Tant que Charles met une chemise." As long as Charles puts a shirt on, Arthur begins, "c'est juste traumatisant." That's just traumatizing.

"Non," Charles responds, smacking Arthur upside the head walking out of my room and down the stairs. I roll my eyes and push Arthur out of my room with me while he's rubbing the back of his head to soothe it.

"Ne t'inquiète pas, je vais te chercher de la glace." Don't worry, I'll get you some ice, I say to him. No matter how old these boys get, they'll still pick on each other like they're children.

We eat some breakfast and I have to listen to Arthur and Charles bickering through the whole meal. I get ready and then we go out to the car and we drive to the paddock. When we park, Mia meets up with us to walk Charles through all the fans, and when we get to the entrance the shouting gets even louder than it was yesterday. People are desperate for a moment of his attention, so I use it to escape having to talk to anyone. After yesterday, I discovered I'm way too awkward for it, so I walk right through and wait for them over by the gates.

When they finally get there, we walk in together. I go with Charles to the Ferrari garage and he immediately goes to change. He has some meetings to sit through before the third practice session, so I go find Evie. Since all the drivers and principals are busy, we go to find Will, because why not? We talk to him for a while but then he has to start his stupid live for the app. We go into hiding at the Mercedes garage, no one looks for us there, so we can escape up on the second floor balcony. We can watch everything going on below us outside the garages, but no one ever seems to see us sitting there. Not even the Mercedes paddock pass guests seem to notice us up there. At least they don't bother us up there.

We can't really see much of the track from there though, so we go downstairs when the first session starts so we can watch it on the screens. Arthur watches it with me from the box and when Charles manages to set the fastest lap time, I make him hold my hand for support. I watch tensely as the other drivers try to beat his time, but just don't manage. He ends up getting the fastest time. Hopefully, he can manage the same during qualifying.

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