Chapter 60.

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After the race, where Charles finished fourth, the drivers were on summer break. So we said goodbye to everyone as we wouldn't see them for three weeks. That wasn't too odd for me, but for the drivers, that's a long time where they're not seeing each other after being used to seeing each other with only a week at most away from each other.

We all flew home to Monaco. Charles and I to pack for Greece, Evie and Pierre to pack for France and most of the drivers just to spend some time at home.

Charles and I spent one night at home, where I spent the evening by Jules' grave to bring him flowers, and I ended up talking to him again, that stone. In the morning, Arthur drove us to the airport. Well, Pascale was very sure to let us know what she was worried about and Arthur tried his best to make her shut up and let us leave without being traumatized.

As soon as we landed in Greece, we put sunglasses on and I added a hat as I was scared of being recognized. We had to get our luggage, take a taxi to the ferry and then we were off to Serifos, the little island we were going to be staying on. We thought that the smaller the island, the smaller the chance of people finding out we were there. I also sent Evie a picture that Arthur had taken of me at home in my bedroom and gave Evie the instructions to post it before leaving for France and I told Arthur to literally post any old picture of me if he sees people speculating.

When arriving on the island, we found a grocery store where we bought lots of food and other things we might need for the week. The fewer times we needed to go down to the town for food, the better. Then we found a taxi to take us to the house, secluded out in the middle of nowhere. The owner of the house we'd rented met up with us, gave us the key and a quick tour before leaving us there to start our vacation.

There was a large kitchen attached to the living room and almost everything was white and blue with some black around every door and window. There were doors in every room that led out to either the patio or to the yard. The backyard had a pool, sunbeds and it was overlooking the ocean, only some cliffs between the house and the blue, glittering sea.

I loved the house, I loved the island, I loved being there with him just knowing we had a full week completely to ourselves. The thing was, the owner of the house shut the door on her way out, and we were hit by complete silence. There was no need for us to make a single noise and there was no one else making any noise. Not Arthur, Evie, Pierre, Max or anyone or anything else. It was a deafening silence we weren't quite used to. We look at each other and both of us just let out a sigh.

The first thing he did was to unpack his suitcase, and I went to unpack mine too, for once. But he's a guy and he packs the amount I'd pack for three days, so he was finished long before me. So while I was next to the bed folding my clothes, he showed up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me tightly so his chest was pressed tightly to my back, which made it a lot harder to keep folding my clothes.

"Charles-" I tried.

"Vous pouvez le terminer plus tard," You can finish it later, he says, placing a kiss on my cheek, then another one, then another, and then he loosened his grip just to be able to move himself a little to the side. He grabbed my chin and kept my face in place as he kept kissing over my face.

"Ou je peux le finir maintenant et nous avons tout l'après-midi et toute la soirée pour faire autre chose." Or I can finish it now and we have all afternoon and all evening to do something else.

Charles sighs and sits down next to my clothes on the bed, and he watches me. He says something about me being too slow so he starts to fold my clothes for me, handing them to me so I can put them away. Then he takes my makeup into the bathroom along with my curling iron and my straightening iron.

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