Chapter 61.

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After Greece I went to Germany to watch Arthur race. I had missed his last race where he scored his first win, so I made sure to go watch this one. He didn't win either races, but Theo won two of them.

Everyone is home. Lorenzo even stayed at the house for a few nights, upon Pascale's wishes. Evie and Pierre stayed over just to make it feel like a proper summer vacation, just like last year. The difference was that I had somewhere to be every day when they didn't. Of course, Evie didn't let me go through it alone and challenged herself to follow my schedule with me. Which meant getting up early in the morning, going for a run or a hike, going home to drink a smoothie, get changed and then head to the dance studio.

Two weeks away from Elliòtt did our relationship good. He was polite, he was nicer, he even gave me a compliment about my tan and I pretended that it had nothing to do with that previous comment he made in Germany.

We danced for an hour a day as we decided to not change our choreography too much for the competitions. The less work we had to do with each other the better. Right now, our only goal is to make it to the end of the season without causing a major problem.

Whenever Elliòtt and I were done for the day, Evie and I would move to one of the smaller rooms where we decided to work on our own choreography, since we'd never danced together and it was just for fun, instead of going home and doing nothing with the boys all day.

I could see it in her eyes that she loved being back in front of the mirror. I practically had to drag her out of there by lunch time. She loved it so much, she was smiling through the whole thing. Dancing had been her passion as much as it had been mine, but then she had to go with Max to his races. They had to get out of Belgium, she was too young to just stay home alone in Monaco while her brother was all over the world. Of course she had to come with him. Sadly, she had to give up dancing for that.

I was in bed one night when the clock had passed eleven and the boys were banned from my room. Evie was practicing the choreography and asking me to just make sure she was doing everything correctly. She was repeating and repeating, over and over, doing her very best to perfect it.

"Maybe you and I should enter a competition together," I suggest, making her stop and turn to me with a laugh as if I had been joking, but then she sees my serious face and she lights up as she climbs onto the bed, getting up next to me. "Just like a standalone competition, just because," I shrug.

"Wait, are you serious?" She asks, her face dropping as if she thinks I'm just messing with her. I don't know why she'd think that, but I nod and feel her grab my hand and squeeze it, "Please, please, let's do it, we could be so good together!"

"Absolutely," I laugh, "We'll look at some options tomorrow."

Evie and I were gone all morning, and by the time we returned to the house, they would all be ready for lunch in the backyard. We'd usually shower, unless we had plans on going to the beach, and there was always some part during the day where Charles would tell me he's going insane.

Evie and I's morning off from the workout schedule, Charles and Pierre came into the room to wake us up. They didn't shut the door properly, but they didn't leave it completely open, which had Pascale remind them of the rules. I laughed as Charles marched up to the door and opened it, glaring at his mother who gave him a satisfied smile, and as soon as he came back to the bed, he looked like he was about to squeeze a squirrel to death.

"Je déménage et t'emmène avec moi," I'm moving and taking you with me, he said as he leaned his head down to kiss me, but before he got to put his lips to mine, there was a knock on the open door, making me immediately snap my head away as I knew that someone was standing there watching us.

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