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It has been months already since Afet had visited her homeland and it has always been a pleasure for her to live there but unfortunately life never allowed her to do so. The moment she reached the airport, she began to act like a little girl who is having her first international trip to the dream place she always wanted to visit. She began to look outside of the car window like an 8 year old who is so mesmerized by the beauty of the large city, she always missed Istanbul. She always wanted to live in Istanbul and experience her life as a Turk. But she was always been banished to different parts of the world, one after another by the foster family for their own benefit and she didn't have a choice at all.

She was so excited to see her father, who infact is the only person who had shown her compassion in her whole life. When the gates of the manison opened, she literally dropped her jaws. The manison had changed a lot in this few months. The garden has been modified, the house has been renovated, the car porches of the house was replaced with new ones. Everything seemed so different than before. She was paying attention to all the details. The car driver parked the car in the driveway and said "ma'am we are here."

Afet was awakened into reality. She stepped out of the car and walked towards the door. It was wide open. She walked inn in search of her father. "Dad" "Dad" she called out. But there was no response. The house seemed so devoid of life from inside.

Afet stood there wondering and that's when she heard the sound of heels finding it's way towards her. She tried to listen to that sound to find out the direction from which the sound was coming. She looked at the grand staircase and she saw two blue heels walking slowly toward her. She raised her eyes from the heels to the woman in those heels. The blonde woman who is in her 60's fixed her eyes at Afet. Those eyes didn't bear any compassion or love for her. Those eyes were filled with hatered and distress.

"Tell the dogs not to bark so loudly" the woman said looking at her. "My ears are hurting" she added.

Those words were literally a synonym for Afet. She was indirectly being referred as dog here. Even though she is used to such words inside her own house, but it always hurts her. "Mother" she wept.

That woman sarcastically smiled. "Mother!! You are a scumbag from the streets and you are now calling me Mother!! I'm ashamed." She said without an inch of empathy in her words.

"Why would you treat me that way?" She asked crying.

"How else I'm I suppose to treat trash?" The woman replied instantly.

"Mother, I've always done everything you wanted and I'm no longer in the country as a threat for you or your child. Why would you still hate me then?" She asked crying.

"Do you think that disappearing will solve all the problems between us?? I can never see you as my daughter and I never will." She replied.

Afet has always longed for her mother to love her a little bit but it has always been a long unfulfilled dream of hers. "Why?? How did I offend you?" She asked.

Leyla Özdemir stood still for a minute fixing her gaze on Afet and said in a cold tone "What about Emir? What did you do to him?"

That name shook Afet from her core. "I can't be with him mother, please try to understand me. I just can't." She cried loudly saying that.

"Why not?? The future of this family depends upon your decision about him." Leyla hissed like a snake.

"Can't we look for another investor?" She asked.

"No we can't. Let me make it clear for you, Emir will attend the party tomorrow and if you're still going to pull that long face in front of him and the guest then just forget about the family. Do you understand?" Leyla raised her voice.

366th Day - { Fan Fiction of 365 Days Trilogy Movie}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن