My Note

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Before getting into the story I want to point out the faults which I noticed in the 365 trilogy movie.

        Don Massimo was very genuine with Laura since the starting of the movie. Yes he kidnapped her and that was of course a mistake but apart from that he didn't have any faults.

      He kidnapped Laura and gave her 365 days to fall in love with him and of course eventually she fell in love with him and they got married. Ever since he got married he was trying hard to become a perfect husband for his wife.

        He is a mafia and of course he is having responsibilities to take care of. And he can't look at his wife the whole day without working. His wife Laura on the other hand slowly started to find faults in him like he is not finding time for her and  always occupied with work and I personally felt Laura as a person who is craving for sex all the time duhh.

        She complained her husband about being idle all day at home makes her bored. Massimo didn't give a second thought, he gifted her a designer house. She on the other hand got fascinated by the gardener Nacho who was actually the son of the mafia head in Spain. He was planning to kidnap her based on the instruction of his father.

        Massimo even though he didn't have much time, he always managed to find time for her and to meet her needs. But one day at a ball Laura saw the twin brother of her husband making out with her husband's ex girlfriend and got mistaken for his brother as him. She didn't even act like a rational person. She simply ran away without even talking to him. She saw Nacho and left with him to an island.

       Nacho was a typical lover boy who didn't have much to do in his life always managed to find time for Laura. He gave her company and his tender love gestures made her fall for him and she eventually kissed him ( that's cheating lol)  she kept of getting sexual dreams about Nacho like both of them making out (that too is very immature and disgusting).

       She eventually find out that Nacho was designated by his father to kidnap her and he is the son of the mafia head in Spain. She got broken and he took her to his father.

      Massimo on the other hand was trying hard desperately to find his beloved wife. He couldn't even sleep or eat properly without her. He ends up in the negotiation with the Spanish mafia and gets to know that his wife is with him. But in the meantime both Massimo and the Spanish mafia got tricked by Massimo's twin brother and he kidnapped laura. She first thought that it's Massimo and strated to get angry at him but she later found out that it's not Massimo but his brother. Now things started to make sense.

           He made her hostage in front of Massmio and Nacho. While their conversation going on  Laura managed to leave from the hands of the twin brother and ran to Massimo but. Massimo's ex girlfriend shot her on her stomach and she fell down. Nacho killed his ex girlfriend then and Massimo killed his on brother for her.

       Laura galdly got saved from the shot and was asked to rest by the doctors. Massimo wanted to give her the pshycal pleasures but he needed to take her health in consideration so he didn't bother her much. But Laura wanted the intimacy and went to him and got frustrated when he denied. He also knew the things happened at the island with Nacho and the abortion of his baby Happened in an accident. He didn't ask her but he suppressed all these. (The audience aren't blind to still hail nacho and Laura lol)

           One day night Massimo exploded at Laura about all these and all she did was blaming him rather than talking and fixing things. Too redeculous lol. And Laura kept of getting sexual dreams about nacho while she was in bed with Massimo and this frustrated him. ( Will she accept it if Massimo dreams about another girl while making out with her??) Massimo left and a silence spread between them in the meantime Laura started focusing on her work and she had to travel to protugal.

       At Portugal she saw nacho and went to talk with him and they ended up kissing each other!! They even had sex ( btw she left Massimo as she thought that he cheated on her but he didn't and what's happening here, she cheated on him!!) After cheating she came back and saw Massimo in her room and when he enquired about where did she go, she raged at him and asked for divorce ( well she was just hiding her mistakes with anger Ang blaming him for nothing.)
       Massimo was hurt and left. When he was in the club he also got almost intimate with another woman but he couldn't think of anyone else but Laura so he stepped back and left. ( He is still loyal)

        Laura asked nacho for some time to take decision but nacho kept on coming to her and eventually Massimo got to know that she slept with nacho. But he didn't order to kill him or got angry, he barely got angry.

          When Laura got the information she flew to Sicily to meet him and nacho came there and again tried to peck her with his words. ( She needs space bro. One was giving her enough space and the other one is bothering her! As if he is trying to make her entangled with him forever.)

           When she met Massimo he didn't even shouted at her. All he said was that his father once said that if you love something let it go and if it comes back to you then it's your, if it doesn't then it's not meant to be.

      He was still hoping for her to come back. And Laura just fell for Nacho forgetting her commitment and loyalty. If massimo was a cheater or abuser then it's fine for her to leave him but here he is the victim. She is just making up things to leave him and acting as the victim. Nacho is also a mafia kid and once he takes responsibility he will also become so busy just like Massimo. And Laura is going to face the same situation. And maybe nacho couldn't find time for her at all in my openion he is not that competent as Massimo to balance both his work and relationship.

       Apart from the first part of the movie, nothing really made any sense to me and in my openion Massimo deserves the best and I would love to serve justice through my work. I hope you enjoy this book.

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