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It was a routine morning for Massimo, just another day at work and after that sex and drugs. He woke up and got ready for the day. He went downstairs and and sat at the long dining table. Maids arrived and served him a feast. Domenico and Olga also joined him. Olga seemed so tired.

"Are you not feeling well?" Massimo asked her. He has always seen her as a sister even though she is his ex wife's best friend.

Olga didn't reply instead she just looked down at her plate. Domenico jumped inn and said " She's just a little tired from last night " he winked at Massimo.

He just smiled and he saw Olga also laughing. He called out her name and said " if you're not feeling well, tell me I'll call the doctor."

Olga smiled at him and said " no need I'm fine."

They finished their breakfast and got ready for the schedule. While Massimo was checking the meetings and things he needs to do Domenico entered and said " We have a meeting with Kaan Özdemir today."

"Yes" Massimo remembered. Actually he is not that interested in that meeting because Kaan is coming from a normal business family having no crime background or anything. He just wants to start a hotel in Palermo in Turkish style to give the ambience of Italy and the experience of Sicily. The idea he proposed was unique and it is profitable because, Turkish style is in demand everywhere around the globe.

Massimo looked at his watch and said " When will he come?"

Domenico checked and said " in 30 minutes I guess."

Massimo sat in his chair outside the house facing the green land. The morning sun was bright and he looked hotter in the sun.

Kaan özdemir is a business man from Istanbul, Turkey. He is coming from a long line of business family roots but they don't have anything illegal in their business and it was his dream to start a luxury hotel in Sicily with reconciling the experience of turkey and ambience of Italy. He needed a native strong partner to start it and he found Massimo through a common friend. As a smart move he also thought that being with the strongest always reduces his risk in foreign land.

Domenico came and announced the arrival of Kaan to Massimo. He ordered him to come in.

Kaan was a 65 year old man with bald head and fat body. He was so gentle and his smile was a positive energy for everyone who sees him. He was wearing a grey suit and he greeted Massimo. He sat at the chair across him and said. " Finally my dream has accomplished, I was able to start my hotel here. Thank you so much."

Massimo is not a person who is that interested in listening to people being poetic. He cut the crap and came to the point " Well the hotel is almost done and now only some final touches are needed. It may take about one month to finish everything and we can set the inauguration by then."

Kaan just listened to him patiently and said " I have to go to Japan next week. I'm having some business there to take care of."

Massimo didn't get his point he asked " So?"

Kaan smiled and continued " well I'm old now and I can't travel around frequently to take care of everything. I have a daughter and she will be examining the final touches of the hotel and she will be the one taking care of everything about this hotel. She will move in here soon."

Massimo never usually does business with women. "What do you want me to do?" He asked confused.

"Oh nothing much. I just wanted to let you know that's it." He said.

There was a silence between them and Kaan though for a while and an instant idea popped in his mind " How about holding the inauguration on February 29th? The 366th day of the year."

366th Day - { Fan Fiction of 365 Days Trilogy Movie}Where stories live. Discover now