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Olga was feeling so tried. Ever since the morning came she was feeling so dizzy and nausea. She was keep on going in and coming out of the bathroom. She couldn't smell or have anything. The odor of the her mother's food made her vomit. She felt instantly fragile and unable to move. She called her mother. Her eager mother also couldn't find what was going on with her daughter.

"Did you have alchahol last night?" Her mother asked.

"No I didn't." Olga replied.

"Is it food poison or something?" She asked again

"I don't know mom. The smell of  food makes me wanna puke. And I'm feeling so dizzy." She said.

Her mother couldn't find out the reason why her daughter is feeling so unwell.

"Let's go to the doctor" she said.

"No mom I have a flight to catch. I want to go back to Sicily today." She said.

"You are not well and how are you supposed to go?" Her mother asked with concern.

"I should go. Domenico must be waiting for me." Olga argued.

Olga has always been so stubborn since childhood and it is a futile task to make her obey something but in this condition she can't go to Sicily.

"Let's go to the doctor and we will ask for some medicines to stop this for a while. You can visit another hospital once you reach Palermo." Her mother said.

Olga also understood that she can't catch her flight in this condition. She agreed to her mom and they went to the hospital.

The doctor's cabin was small but cozy. The nurse asked Olga and her mother to enter inside. The doctor asked her to sit and explain what she's feeling. Olga explained everything including the flight she needs to catch in a single breath.

The doctor checked her eyes, tongue and pulses.

"When was your last period?" He asked.

Olga thought for a while and said " Last month around 15th I guess."

"Why don't you do a pregnancy test?" The doctor asked.

Olga literally jumped off from where she was sitting. She couldn't believe it when he said that there is chances for her to be pregnant and all these nausea dizziness made sense.

"Seems like it's time to rush your marriage!" Olga's mother said in a sarcastic tone.

Olga did her test and the test results came. The doctor again asked her to get inside the cabin. He opened the test reports and examined carefully.

"Miss Olga congratulations you are 3 weeks pregnant." He said.

That was literally an emotional moment for her. She was not expecting it but this is one of the dreams of every woman and it has come true in the case of Olga. She began to shed her happy tears. Olga's mom stood up and hugged her.

"Aww I'm going to be a grandmother!" She exclaimed.

"Yes Mom! And I'm going to be a mom." She said while hugging her mom.

She couldn't wait any longer to tell this happy news to Domenico. She took her phone and called him.

"Hey honey , when are you boarding?" He asked.

"Honey..I want to tell you something." She said while crying.

Her sobs made Domenico tensed. He asked " What happened?? Why are you crying?? Are you safe honey?"

"I'm safe and sound....these are happy tears!" She said.

Domenico just cannot stand her woman crying. He has never made her sad at all ever since he met her. He has always tried to give her the best in the world and she was the most precious thing he has ever got and now hearing her sobs made him so tensed.

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