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A million emotions passed between both of them. Massimo couldn't understand why his heart is flattering for this random woman. Domenico ran to them and called out " Are you ok?"

Afet suddenly shook up from her thoughts. She stood up panicking. Her face was all red ,yeah she blushed. Massimo also got up following her. "Thanks " he said.

She felt like she is getting paralysed. She couldn't find her voice to speak. She just stood there staring at him in slumber.

The moment he uttered his gratutious words, she saw his eyes flaming red. He was angry. He turned his eyes towards the man who tried to shot him. His glance itself made everyone shiver. He walked towards the man and before he could do anything Afet stepped in and said "Take it outside please."

Massimo couldn't say no to his savior. And after all if he does something here then it will scare the people away and it will of course effect the business.

He turned to Domenico and said " Take him to our old house."

Domenico and his men came forward and dragged the man to their SUV.

The party had already become a disaster and people got frightened hearing the gunshots and scattered. Disappoinment killed Afet, she couldn't accept what happened. She turned her head down and began to walk inside the hotel. Massimo noticed it.

"It's fine...we will figure out something" a voice from behind made Afet stand still. It was Massimo. It's the first time she is hearing him say something that is so soothing and consoling, it didn't sound something like him, he has always been a monster to everyone to be precise, even to his wife as far as she knows and now this guy is being gentle, she didn't know whether he showed that side purposefully or it accidentally came out of him. Afet turned and gave him a surprise glance.

Massimo's eyes widened. He is not a person who is used to telling such such words. He has tried his best to become gentle and soft for Laura but it ended up in a disaster and within this one year he thought that he had forgotten already to talk in such a way.

Afet gave him a clueless smile and said "Can Don Massimo talk that way! How surprising!"

Massimo didn't answer, he didn't know how to answer that quiestion he remained silent.

Afet paused for sometime and looked right into eyes and said " Love is the answer for your problems Massimo, just be yourself rather than putting this mask of being rough and tough, you will eventually find the right one."

"Wait! That sounds like a quote" he thought. Before he could say something to Afet, she walked inside to the hotel.

He stood there watching her walk away. He felt some kind of chemistry entangling between them, but he totally didn't have the strength or belief to acknowledge it. He can't afford to be broken once again. But what she said last hooked him up. "Seems like she is slowly getting a picture of the real me. " He thought. Ever since this woman had stepped in his life, his whole world and he himself seems different. He could finally be himself and even if he doesn't, this woman will find it. She is a good observer.

The night came.

Massimo couldn't wait to know who this time wanted him killed. He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and went to the dungeon like room in the underground
of his castle structured manison. The place was so dark and only tiny yellow lights were sparkling from the walls. It is really hard to see things clearly. He went downstairs to make the killer confess. He was already tired getting completely beaten up by Domenico's men.

Massimo saw him bleeding and his shirt fully torn. He went and sat in front of him. He tried his best to suppress his anger.

"Who are you? Who's this time?" The quiestion was short but clear.

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