Stella x Male!Reader (Birthday Special)

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After you finished your morning routine, you looked at the calendar and saw that today is Stella's birthday.

You freaked out because you didn't want anything to do with her. You were just about to get comfortable on your easy chair when you heard a knock on the door.

"If it's about Stella's birthday, I'm not interested!"

Bloom: "I just want to talk to you."

After letting her in, Bloom sat down as you went to the kitchen and made some tea.

Bloom: "Y/N, I know that you and Stella don't get along together, but today is her birthday and I want you to at least be there for her."

"Sorry, Bloom, but I must decline the offer."

Bloom showed you a photo of Stella and Brandon together.

Bloom: "If you don't come to the party, Brandon will. Your choice."

You attempted to decline once more, but then you realized you secretly have feelings for her even though you don't get along well with her, so in the end, you didn't have a choice.

Bloom: "One more thing: please don't make her cry or you'll regret it."

She closed the door, leaving you in fear.

You picked out an outfit, and upon hearing yet another knock, you opened the door and saw the birthday girl herself.

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Winx Club x Male Reader OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin