Stormy x Male!Reader

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Being a dark fairy made you feel like the rest of the dark fairies: No more than one among many attendees at Cloud Tower.

The only thing that made you stand out from the other students is that you were a male student, amongst all the other attending females.

Still, being the lone boy attending, you had a feeling that all the girls would be fawning over you.

Right now, you finished delivering papers for today's lesson when you came across a note taped onto your locker door.

"Meet me at my dorm," it said.

Curious, you followed the directions stated by the note and ended up outside a dorm room that seemingly was in the backrooms of Cloud Tower.

You felt nervous, but your curiosity got the best of you, and you knocked on the door.

"Why, hello, Y/N," the voice said after you knocked on the door.

"Stormy, get out here and let's.... talk."

You winced on that last word as the door opened.

Stormy: "I've been expecting you, Y/N."

"Figures that you would be the lone girl in the entire school that has a thing for me."

Stormy: "Why don't we talk?"

As you entered her dorm room, you felt even more nervous. You felt that you weren't supposed to be here right now, and that being here would get you into deep trouble.

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