Bloom x Male!Reader

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You were currently headed for Bloom's dorm room to help her study for an upcoming test.

"This studying better be worth it," you said as you approached her door, "Else this is gonna be a big waste of my time."

As you opened the door, you saw Bloom looking out her window.


She turned around upon hearing her name.

Bloom: "It's nice to see you, Y/N."

"We're going to study, remember?"

Bloom: "I'm sorry for forgetting about that."

She showed you a cut on her arm.

"Jesus Christ!" you exclaimed. "That is one nasty gash!"

You hurried to get a first-aid kit to put a bandage on the cut.

"How did you get THAT?!"

Bloom: "Me and the rest of the Winx were fighting the Trix earlier."

"They got you THAT badly???"

Bloom: "I didn't notice this gash until after the fight."

"You're lucky I was here to give you medical assistance."

Bloom: "Have you gotten similar scars before?"

"Oh, please, Bloom. I've been cut by every random thing you can thing of."

Bloom: "Such as?"

"My knee was once cut by the top of a plastic pickle jar."

Bloom: "A pickle jar???"

"Yeah, and I was bleeding, too."

Bloom: "Ouch."

"Well, enough talk about scars. Let's study for this test."

Bloom: "I'm supposed to be helping you study."

"Oh, right. I forgot. I was sidetracked by--"

Bloom: "The pickle jar?"

"Please don't mention that again..."

Bloom: "Sorry."

After that, the study session went as smooth as you thought.

Winx Club x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now