Mirta x Male!Reader x Stormy

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You were on your way to see your friend, Mirta, when you heard an explosion from the other side of the school.

Looking out the window, you saw Stormy and her sisters fighting the Winx, as usual. You were far more concerned about your friend, so you rushed over to her room.

You made it to the dorm as quickly as possible and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" the voice asked from inside.

"It's me."

She immediately took you inside, and you sat down on the couch as she prepared the tea.

Mirta: "What's all that noise outside?"

"The Trix are fighting the Winx again."

Mirta: "As usual."

She placed the cups of tea on the table.

As she drank the tea, you looked at it kinda concerned. She decided to stop drinking.

Mirta: "Are you okay?"

"Everything's fine."

Mirta: "Okay, just wanted to make sure."

She looked at the dark clouds outside.

Mirta: "You know, I've always been wanting to tell you that I feel comfortable around you. After all, you helped me that day when I was all alone with no friends and always getting picked on."

Winx Club x Male Reader OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt