She looks kinda scary like this...

"But what father didn't know is that the last egg have already hatched"
She looked at me with a smirk but when she didn't notice any change in my expression, her smirk was gone.

"That's a wonderful news Roxie. Congratulations and take care of yourself, okay"
I could tell that she didn't like the simple smile on my face. She wanted a bigger reaction and i want to look happy for her but I am not.

Those butterflies are no ordinary butterflies. The host of the have to feed the butterflies their blood and human flesh. If the host is unable to do it, those butterflies will consume their host.

"You're not surprised?"
Because i already knew that the egg hatched. The day that egg hatch, I can't forget the bloody aura that was coming of you Roxanne. I am worried, really worried about you.

"I don't know, what about Cassis?"
I don't want to talk about this topic, it's awkward.
Roxanne didn't say anything for two seconds and just stared at me.

"Well, everything is just going according to the plan. I think that he have started to trust me"
Of course he do Roxanne, afterall you both are the main protagonist and are bound to fall in love.

"That's great. I just hope the plan goes smoothly"
"No, Nellie. The plan will go smoothly and perfectly. We can't lose in our own game."
Her eyes were filled with determination. I know how hard it have been for you.

"Well eat up now, the tea have already gotten cold!"
I shoved a macaroon into her mouth, making her choke a bit. I could help my laughter. She is just so cute.

We talked about random things, it felt so normal and so wonderful.


The cell door opened with a small creaking sound.

Roxanne has shifted Cassis from the dungeon to a cell room. It's a pretty decent place, way better than the dungeons.

"Hello there"
Cassis simply stared at me with a bored look.

I am offended!!
I missed how he used to act like a sussy cat whenever I am around but now he is not even giving me any reaction.

This made the fangirl inside of me cry while holding my heart, wahh.

"What do you need now?" He simply asked, not even bothering to look at me now.

"Well nothing much, just to check on you"
I had a smile on my face but my internal thoughts were completely opposite.
He is just so rude!!!

"You don't need to do that, you're just wasting your time. Get lost " he turned his head away. That was final point of my patience.

"Well, I was just trying to be nice but I guess the great Cassis Pedelian is not used to get treated nicely."

I guess I went a bit far but this is seriously getting on my nerves.
Cassis snapped at me, anyone who looked at him can tell that he was furious as hell.

He stood up but as soon as he got on his feet, he froze in his place. Veins popped in his forehead and neck.

"What the hell did you do? Why can't I move!?" He shouted. I could see him struggling to move but his attempt didn't give any result.

Sadly, boy you mess with the wrong person. Penelope Ambrose got a bigger attitude and pride than you. And my tolerance level is pretty low.

"You can sit down." As those words left my lips, he sat on the bed, of course unwillingly. I was standing in front of him, staring at his seated figure.

"And a piece you advise for you" I towered over his seated figure

"You better keep control on that tongue of yours or else it might get you killed one day"
I held his chin harshly.

Roxanne won't react much to his words but other members of Agriche won't tolerate this behaviour of his and he might get himself killed.

His reaction was just as I expected, alert and cautious. His bewildered eyes were directed at me.

"All i wanted to tell you was, be careful tomorrow."

I left the place without uttering any other word.


I held the purple envelope.
Finally tomorrow is the day of Maria's tea party. Major events will take place tomorrow.

"I don't want to go" i mumbled with a sigh.

Maria's tea party is not a normal gathering, no. She shows her collection of dolls, now if you think those dolls are normal. Then you're completely wrong, those dolls are not you normal, adorable dolls, they are human dolls.

Those people are usually attendees or maids. They are tortured and then turned into a doll. Burned and stitched alive. They look horrifying, that's why some of the Agriche children refuses to go to her tea party, including me and Roxanne.

Putting the envelope aside, i took papers which hold information about the black dragon. Some documents state that the dragon is sealed and some state that tha dragon is hidden somewhere.

It doesn't matter what is true because all i know is that I need to find this dragon. I don't know the end of this story but I need to get the dragon in order to stop the destruction of Agriche.

"Haa, i can't even rest properly in this life. It's just so hectic"

I glanced at the document, the sketch of the dragon.
I will get you, no matter what!

To be continued ~

What a match (Dion Agriche x Penelope Eckart)Where stories live. Discover now