chapter VI

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Penelope pov

The guard throw me on the floor harshly.
I can smell the strong odor of ciggerate from the room.

Slowly lifting my head up I saw a tall man. He look exactly like the dion but a older version.
Lant Agriche he is the current head of Agriche family and roxanne's father.

Out of nowhere a boy come in front of me.

"Heh, what a unique hair color and those gem like eyes and porcelain white skin. I would love to destroy her, father."
Said a boy with black hair and gray eyes.
He is Lant's first born Fontaine Agriche, a minor character in the manga.

He grabbed my chin and looked at me while smirking

" I'm impressed that Dion brought such a beautiful toy" said lant

'ughh why is my life so difficult, I just escape from my so-called home and now I'm stuck here'

Suddenly I fell my head being pushed down by someone.

" Hmm you got a nerve to glare at us. How bold of you"
Said Lant while smirking at me.

I felt Fontaine grip tighter on my chin. It was so painfull and I was sure that there is going to be a bruise on my chin. Couldn't hold the pain any more i bite his finger in return.

"Ahhhh, you bitch. How dare you"
Ohh did I forget to mention that my mouth is not gagged.
"I'll teach you a lesson" said Fontaine as he grab a sword and was coming toward me.

' wait is he going to kill me. Why is nobody stoping him ' I look around there was only lant and some guard in the room but nobody did any thing, they only stayed in there places and watch.

' Why is no one doing anything.I don't want to die. I escaped from Eckart so that I can live but I'm going to die again. Why can't I spend my life peacefully.'
Tears slip from my eyes. Fontaine was so close to me and raise his sword while looking at me with a evil grin.

" I don't want to die, i don't want to die.
Something inside me snaped and I screamed, suddenly everything in front of me turn white.

Normal pov

As the little girl with magenta hair screamed, a white light cover the whole room. It was so bright that the whole Agriche mansion was covered in the light.

"What is happening!"

All the people in the mansion were very surprised and we're screaming.

Dion who was in his room, was startled as he remembered about the little girl with magenta hair that he captured.
Though he couldn't open his eyes because the light was so bright but he managed to get out of his room and search for the source of light.

The whole mansion was on uproar.
" It's coming from the great hall"
Someone yelled.

After hearing that voice everyone went to the great hall to check the source of light.

As soon as Dion heard that the light was coming from the great hall, he rushed there as fast as he could because he thought that the girl he captured was there. He don't know why but he was worried for a light girl he met for the first time. He just feel so connected to her.

The moment he open the door of the hall he found that Lant his father was on the floor and his eyes were wide open. In front of him lies a girl with magenta hair.

Everyone was gathered around the great hall to find out what happened.
Suddenly lant started to laugh like a madman, making everyone so confused.

What the hell happened here that's what everyone thought.


( Sorry for the late update 😅😅)

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