Max looks at the room and realizes that there are shoes and slippers scattered outside. He then turns to Justice again and asks him, "Wait, is someone already inside?"

     "Oh yeah. I totally forgot the most important part. There are four students living in one room. So congratulations, Sinclaire, you have roommates," Justice reveals, and Max's jaw just drops.

     "You got to be kidding me."

     "Here in Hell Sanctum, serfs share with three other serfs. At Purgatory Refuge, two dwellers share one room. And at Paradise Cove, each student has one room for themselves. Don't worry. Having a roommate can actually be fun. You might enjoy it," Justice explains further, and all Max can do is sigh and massage his temple in frustration.

     "Looks like that's it. I hope you get settled in, and I'll see you later," Justice says, and Max takes another deep breath before touching his chest and bowing in front of the council president.

     Justice wasn't expecting Max to actually bow to him because, like everyone else, Justice already has an assumption about Max, who single-handedly conquered four brotherhoods in a span of seven months. He thought he'd be prideful and narcissistic, so this simple gesture was surprising. But when Max looks back at him again, Justice smiles and tells him, "We don't bow here like what you do in the House of Kings. Just touch your chest as a sign of respect for those in higher authority. I hope you remember that so others don't end up laughing at you."

     "Oh, t-thank you," Max says, surprised to have been given advice by the president. If it were someone else, they would probably just let Max embarrass himself.

     "Alright then." Justice nods his head and finally leaves. As soon as he was gone, Max grips on the strap of his bag before looking down at the key that was given to him.

     "This is for J.S High. This is for J.S High..." Max mumbles to himself before finally opening the door so he can head inside.

     The door creaked open, and Max couldn't really see anything because of how dark the room was, especially since the broken windows were actually covered with plywood. 

     Max didn't want to disturb anyone, so he pulled his phone out of his pocket and used his flashlight to see better. The room was surprisingly bigger than he expected, and there were two bunk beds. But the room was unsurprisingly a mess. There were clothes scattered everywhere. There were boxes of who knows what and empty energy drinks. But apart from the mess, the room didn't stink. At least Max doesn't have to endure the smell.

     "Where on earth do I put my things?" Max whispers under his breath, trying to look for an empty bed to use, but it seems like all the beds are occupied.

     Max continues to look around the room. But while he's walking, he accidentally steps on a button. As soon as he did so, an alarm suddenly blares, and bright red light starts flashing, startling Max and the other person who was in the room with him.

     "AHH!! Intruder!" A voice shouts, and before Max can even react, someone pepper sprays his eyes, immediately making Max stumble back while his eyes burn.

     "W-What the fuck?! My name is Maximilian Leigh Sinclaire! I'm your new roommate!" Max tries to explain as he reaches out for his handkerchief so he can wipe his eyes with it.

     The person who attacked him with the pepper spray quickly turned the lights on. When he saw that it was actually Max, his mouth opened in shock, and he immediately grabbed a bottle of water so he could help Max wash his eyes.

     "Oh my god, I am so sorry. I completely forgot that you're arriving today. I forgot to turn the alarm off," the man explained while he splashed the water on Max's eyes.

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4-6) ✓Where stories live. Discover now