To Kill a Mocking Girl

Start from the beginning

"What?" the others exclaimed.

"What are you talking about?" Aria frowned.

"You think she's still alive?" Emily asked incredulously.

"Hanna, they found her body," Spencer added.

"Stop," Isabel said firmly. "Okay? I'm officially freaked out. Can we just not..."

"You know, you asked for my opinion," Hanna shrugged. "I don't believe she's really gone."

"We went to her funeral!" Spencer exclaimed.

"Yeah, and when we left, we all got a text message from her," Hanna pointed out.

"It wasn't her," Emily argued. "Someone is messing with us."

"How do you know?" Hanna shot back. "And what about all those nasty messages? How does this 'A' person know stuff only Ali knew?"

"Okay, this conversation is giving me a hive," Aria shuddered.

"That's a bite," Hanna replied. "Mosquito."

"Gnat," Isabel countered.

"Spencer, have you gotten any more messages?" Emily asked loudly.

"Haven't you?" Spencer frowned. Suddenly, they heard something...or someone rustle some branches.

"What was that?" Emily gasped. "Did you hear that?"

"Yes, I heard that," Isabel said sarcastically. "I'm standing right next to you."

"Hello?" Hanna called. "Is anybody out there?"

"It's probably a rabbit," Spencer justified.

"Hello?" Hanna repeated.

"It's a rabbit, Hanna," Spencer scoffed. "It's not gonna answer you."

"Can't we just get to the shed?" Emily sighed. The branches rustled again.

"Okay, that is definitely not a rabbit," Hanna gulped.

"Let's turn around," Isabel agreed. They started to leave, but then they all got the same message.

'Heads up, BFFs. It's open season on liars, and I'm hunting. -A.'


Isabel stared out her window at the orphanage. She hated that she had to be here.

"Miss Rivers?" The Nice Lady opened her door. "There's a mother here to adopt you." The Nice Lady called it 'adopt', but it was really 'take care of'.

"Hi, I'm Quinn," the woman said. She had a faux fur coat on, and an evil glint in her eye that  screamed money.

"Isabel," Isabel said gruffly. She gathered her things and followed this strange lady to her doom.


"Listen here, kid," Quinn huffed once they arrived at Quinn's home. "You can't stay here. I'll let you do whatever you want, but you have to come for the monthly visits. Here's a couple hundred bucks so you don't starve. Now get lost."

"Great," Isabel mumbled, taking the envelope and leaving.


The next day, Isabel saw the girls talking at Hanna's locker, and walked up to them.

"...she's the easiest to crack," Emily was saying.

"Who's the easiest to crack?" Isabel asked.

"Hanna," Aria told her. "Wilden is questioning her."

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