Unexpected Interaction (Poe and Chuuya)

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(A/N: this is a random idea I got so you guys get to read about it now. Sorta off topic, but "Reason Living" started playing while I was writing this)

Poe was out on a walk with Karl. He felt as if he should be working on his next book right now. But Ranpo often told him that he needed to take more breaks, so he was trying to do that. Plus, it wasn't fair to Karl to keep him cooped up in the house all day. So Poe tried to get outside more for Karl's sake if not his own.

Not too far away, Chuuya was also taking a walk. He was on break, so he decided to get some fresh air.

What happened next definitely shocked him.

He saw...a guy who looked as if he belonged in the nineteenth century? I mean, who dresses like that anymore? Not that it looks bad, I just didn't expect it, he thought. He decided to walk over, looking up at the strange man with a raccoon. "Hey! Victorian giant!"

Poe blinked in shock, looking around (he had admittedly been called some variation of "Victorian" too many times to not answer to it at this point).

"I'm down here," Chuuya said.

Poe looked down and saw...a tiny redhead? Granted, he was pretty tall so almost everyone looked small to him. "Erm...pardon me, but who are you?"

"You might know me as the guy who got trapped in one of your books once."

Poe thought back, suddenly remembering.

Chuuya crossed his arms, still looking a bit salty over the whole thing.


Chuuya shrugged. "It's whatever. Anyway, how do you deal with hatred of someone?"

Poe blinked a bit. "That's oddly specific."

"It is, but I had the misfortune of being partners with the most annoying person on earth and I hate him so much."

"Is he your rival or something?"

"I guess you could say that."

"Hm." Poe thought about it. "I suppose we both have experience with having a rival."

"Oh, really?"

"What happened in my case was my rival defeated me and I spent six years trying to craft the perfect revenge."

"Dang. I respect the dedication."

"Oh, thanks."

"Of course. Though...how do you deal with your rival?"

"Oh, about that...I started dating him."

Chuuya blinked. "I can't say I expected that. Rivals to lovers in real life."

"Pretty much."

"I can't do that, though. I'd never date that stupid mackerel, so I guess turning rivalry into romance won't work for me. Glad it worked for you, though." 

"Fair, I suppose that doesn't work for everyone."

"So, who's your rival? Or boyfriend, in this case?"


Chuuya grimaced.

Poe noticed. "Do you know him?"

"Yeah, and he taunted me about Dazai once so I don't really like him. That was also when I got trapped in one of your books."

"Dazai...that sounds familiar. Oh, he's one of Ranpo's coworkers."

"Before that, he was my partner."

"And your rival, I'm assuming?"

"Yeah. The most annoying human being to ever walk this earth. It was frustrating working with him because he would always tease. I hate him so much."

Poe listened to Chuuya's rant, wondering why he was even being told all of this.

Mid-rant, Chuuya glanced at his watch. "Oh, I should probably get back to work." He waved slightly as he began to walk away.

"Alright." Poe waved back. He then began to head back home. That sure was...interesting to say the least, he thought, absentmindedly petting Karl.

Karl squeaked, enjoying it.

And that was the story of how two very different and unlikely people had an interaction where they ended up talking about rivals.

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