Missing Him (Ranpo, Poe, and Mushitarō, Ranpoe)

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(A/N: yes, this is another idea I got that wouldn't leave me alone. I'll have to provide an angst warning for this one)

From the minute Mushitarō first woke up, he knew this wasn't going to be a good day.

Which was really not a good thing because he was expecting company a little later. He, Ranpo, and Poe had made plans to hang out and watch some mystery movies together (he made Ranpo promise to try not to spoil anything and hoped the master detective would actually keep that promise).

But it was fine. Maybe he could get out of his funk before they came over.

...That wasn't really likely, seeing as he had a pretty big reason to be feeling the way he was.

It was almost the anniversary of Yokomizo's death. Almost the anniversary of when Mushitarō had killed him.

Mushitarō didn't think he'd ever get over the guilt of having been the one to end Yokomizo's life even if Yokomizo had been the one who asked him to. He'd always have to live with that regret. He'd always miss Yokomizo and wonder what things would be like if his fate had been different.

But all his wondering was in vain for obvious reasons, of course.

And the worst part was...he'd never gotten the chance to tell Yokomizo how he truly felt, that he loved him. His chance to confess had died right alongside Yokomizo.

No, stop thinking about it, he told himself as he got up to get ready for the day.

But even as he went through his usual routine, he couldn't shut off his brain.

This was fine.

Maybe I should cancel for today...no, that wouldn't be fair to them. It's not their fault I murdered my best friend and now have to live with the neverending guilt of it, so I shouldn't make them suffer for it, Mushitarō thought. He sighed. All this thinking was getting him nowhere.

In the end, he decided to just stick to the plan and hope for the best. If he could just avoid Ranpo and Poe from finding out, everything would be fine.

...Except that Ranpo was the world's greatest detective, and Poe wasn't that far behind. At least one of them was bound to find out sooner or later.

I guess I'll just cross that bridge when I come to it, Mushitarō decided. He combed his hair to get his mind off things.

When that didn't work, he did his skincare routine.

Unfortunately, that didn't work either.

So he tried to distract himself by picking out some movies for the three of them to watch.

Unfortunately, things only got worse when Mushitarō's phone went off and he looked at it.

Mildly Annoying Detective: hey mushi! ed and i are on our way

Already? Mushitarō thought. He glanced at the time and realized that yes, it was in fact almost the time he and the two others had agreed to meet up.

Mushitarō: Alright, see you guys soon!

Great, this is just great. I should've cancelled. But that would've been rude of me. But I don't want them to see me like this. But I'd be a bad friend to just avoid them. Ugh...I don't know anymore.

Mushitarō had been thinking and arguing with himself for so long that he almost missed it when he heard the doorbell ring.

He was mortified when he realized his first instinct was to run away and not answer it.

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