Shopping (Yosano and Kyouka)

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(A/N: I love the idea of Yosano and Kyouka being friends, so you guys get this. Without further ado, enjoy!)

Yosano walked up to Kyouka one day. "Hey, Kyouka?"

Kyouka looked up from her work. "Hm?"

"Would you like to go shopping with me later? I'll buy you whatever you want."

Kyouka thought about it. She'd never been shopping much before, so she didn't know what to expect. But it didn't sound bad. "Sure."

Yosano grinned. "Great."

Kyouka smiled back.

"Hey, Kyouka. I hope you have more fun than I did when I went shopping with Dr. Yosano," Atsushi jokingly spoke up from his desk.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean, kid?!" Yosano demanded.

Kyouka glanced over. "You guys have been shopping?"

"Yes, and it went horribly wrong," Atsushi announced.

"Y'know, you have a point," Yosano noted.

"What happened?" Kyouka asked.

"Lemon Boy happened," Atsushi responded.


"But the shopping itself wasn't bad, right?" Yosano questioned.

"No, it wasn't," Atsushi conceded. "Even though you made me carry a bunch of the things you bought."

Yosano grinned. "Yes, well, I needed help. Anyways, Kyouka and I will have fun for sure. Right, Kyouka?"

Kyouka smiled back. "Right."

Yosano then turned her grin to Atsushi. "You could join us if you want."

"I'm good, but thanks for the offer. You guys have fun," Atsushi replied.

"Suit yourself."

"Maybe next time."


~Time skip~

After work, Yosano and Kyouka set out together for their shopping spree. Yosano was always up for more shopping, while Kyouka was eager to see what shopping was like.

Yosano dragged Kyouka into a clothing store first. "Now like I said, if you find something you want, I'll buy it for you."

"Thanks, Ms. Yosano," Kyouka replied.

"You can just call me Yosano."

"Oh, ok." Kyouka began to look around.

Yosano smiled to herself as she watched Kyouka.

A few minutes, Kyouka found a dress and ran over to show Yosano.

Yosano grinned. "Try it on!"

"Alright," Kyouka agreed.

Yosano led Kyouka to a dressing room and waited outside.

Kyouka emerged a few minutes later in the dress.

Yosano's eyes widened. "You look so adorable!"

Kyouka smiled shyly. "Thanks."

"Of course! Do you want it?"

Kyouka knew Yosano had offered to pay for anything she might find, but she felt bad about spending the doctor's money. "Erm..."

"Kyo-Kyo, remember what I told you."

Kyouka giggled at the nickname a little. "Ok, then yeah. I do want it."


Kyouka went into the dressing room, changed back into her regular clothes, and then came out with the dress. She handed it to Yosano, who took it.

After picking a few outfits for herself, Yosano paid for all the items. She and Kyouka headed out of the store.

"Where are we headed now?" Kyouka asked, looking up at Yosano.

Yosano glanced back at Kyouka. "The shoe store."

"Alrighty, sounds good!"

The two of them soon reached said shoe store and walked in.

"I'll help you find something if you want," Yosano offered.

"No, no, I'll be fine on my own. I wouldn't want to stop you from finding anything you might be looking for," Kyouka replied.

"I don't mind, really!"

"Well...if you say so."

"I do." Yosano took Kyouka's hand and walked through the store with her.

Kyouka stopped suddenly when she saw some black dress shoes. She glanced up at Yosano. "I want to try those on."

Yosano nodded. "Go ahead."

Kyouka grabbed the shoe box, took her shoes off, tried on the shoes in the box, and then walked up and down the aisle to see if they fit.

"Well?" Yosano asked.

Kyouka glanced at her. "They fit pretty well."


"I'm getting them."

Yosano grinned. "Great."

Kyouka grinned back and sat down to put her shoes back on and return the other ones to their box. She stood up, holding the box.

"I'm gonna look around a bit if you don't mind tagging along," Yosano said.

"That's fine," Kyouka answered.

Yosano began to walk around, looking to see if any shoes caught her attention. She soon zeroed in on a silver pair of heels and decided to try them on. She walked up and down the aisle to see how good a fit they were.

Kyouka watched.

Yosano glanced at the younger girl. "What do you think?"

"I like them!" Kyouka commented.

Yosano grinned. "Why, thank you." She put the heels back in the box, deciding to buy them.

The girls shopped a bit more before deciding to call it a day.

"Thanks for taking me shopping," Kyouka spoke up.

Yosano smiled. "Of course! I really enjoyed it."

"Me, too."

Soon, the girls bade each other goodbye and went their separate ways. They both silently agreed that they'd love to go shopping together again soon.

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