The First Anniversary (Chuuaku)

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(A/N: it's kinda been awhile since I wrote Chuuaku content, and I decided I needed to do more since it's one of my most favorite ships ever. This shall be a look at their first anniversary. Without further ado, enjoy!)

Chuuya woke up a lot happier than usual. The reason? Today was his and Akutagawa's first anniversary. It felt like both yesterday and forever ago that the two of them had finally gotten over their oblivion and confessed their feelings to each other. Since then, things had been going really well with them. Whenever they weren't busy with work, they went on dates or spent time together and with Q, who they considered their child.

Chuuya decided that what he needed was a plan. The perfect plan to show Akutagawa how important he was to him.

Plan, heh. I guess Kunikida's really rubbed off on me, the redheaded fashionista thought wryly. Then he returned to trying to figure out everything to do.

Meanwhile, Akutagawa had similarly woken up in a cheerful mood for the same reason. Today marked the first year since he had confessed to and started dating Chuuya. It had been an amazing year, especially because he'd never really pictured himself as being in a relationship. But there went Chuuya, changing all that. Genuinely caring about him. Making him feel loved.

His thoughts were interrupted when his phone went off. He checked it.

My Beautiful Redheaded Fashionista: Happy anniversary, Ryu!

Akutagawa smiled and typed out a response.

Chuuya heard his phone go off so he checked it.

The Best Person Ever: thanks and happy anniversary, Chu-Chu!

He grinned as he read the text. It didn't matter what Akutagawa said, Chuuya was always happy to hear from him.

The Best Person Ever: any plans for later? :)

My Beautiful Redheaded Fashionista: Why yes I do. But I'm afraid I can't tell you much

The Best Person Ever: aww, why not? :(

My Beautiful Redheaded Fashionista: Because I want to surprise you, my dear

The Best Person Ever: can't just go and do that -////-

My Beautiful Redheaded Fashionista: Yes I can :)

The Best Person Ever: hmph >:(

My Beautiful Redheaded Fashionista: Ryu, please don't be mad at me :(

The Best Person Ever: dw, I'm not :)

My Beautiful Redheaded Fashionista: Great! Now like I said, I'm going to surprise you later. Unless you have something else you'd rather do

The Best Person Ever: no no, what you have planned sounds great

My Beautiful Redheaded Fashionista: Yay, glad to hear it! See you tonight then? :)

The Best Person Ever: yeah! what time?

My Beautiful Redheaded Fashionista: Uh...does 6:30 sound good? We should be off work by then

The Best Person Ever: yep, sounds perfect!

My Beautiful Redheaded Fashionista: Great! Though I guess I'll see you at work first before we go out?

The Best Person Ever: hmmm idk, I was considering skipping

My Beautiful Redheaded Fashionista: And not see me? Wow, I see how it is :(

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