The Drunk Rat (Fyolai)

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A/N: I'm back, y'all! I decided I'd write some content about drunk Fyodor and then Nikolai ends up taking care of him. That also means the pick-up lines are making a comeback. Without further ado, enjoy!

Nikolai had been trying to contact Fyodor to ask if he could hang out with him. But no matter what he tried, he couldn't get a hold of his friend. This was strange. If the clown was being honest, he was starting to worry a bit. It wasn't like Fyodor to not answer the phone even if he was busy.

(If Fyodor was busy, he'd usually at least send a text saying as much. In most cases, it said some variation of "Nikolai, for the love of all that is good and holy, PLEASE stop blowing up my phone".)

Nikolai headed to Fyodor's house, climbing in through the window. He began to look around but when he didn't see Fyodor anywhere, he started to worry more.

He then closed the window, left the house, and continued on his search.

Eventually, he somehow ended up at the bar and that was when he suddenly found...

...Was that Fyodor?

It sure was.

Nikolai walked over.

Fyodor looked up and noticed Nikolai. "Nikolai, my beloved~."

"Wha-?!" Nikolai blinked in shock.


"You...just called me your beloved."

"I'm aware."

Nikolai was stunned all over again.



"Is it hot in here, or is it just you?"

Nikolai's face heated up. "Alright Fyo, I think you've had a bit too much to drink."

"No, I haven't~."

"Yes, you have."


"Yes." Nikolai reached over and picked up Fyodor.

"I could get used to this~," Fyodor commented, leaning against Nikolai.

Nikolai's face heated up more and he tried to focus on the task at hand: safely getting Fyodor home. He then walked out of the bar with his drunk friend. Who was being weirdly flirty with him.

This was fine.

Fyodor looked up at Nikolai.

Nikolai glanced back at him. "Yes?"

"Do you have a name, or should I call you mine?" Fyodor asked.

Nikolai blinked a bit, blushing. "I- yes, I have a name."

"I think calling you mine sounds better."

"If you say so."

"I do."

Nikolai went back to trying to focus on getting Fyodor home. He's just drunk, he doesn't mean any of this... he thought.

Fyodor reached over and started playing with Nikolai's hair.

Fyo, you're actually gonna be the death of me. Not that I'd mind that...NO, WHAT AM I SAYING?! Nikolai thought, trying hard to focus. Though he did feel a bit like that was a lost cause at this point.

Fyodor was still playing with Nikolai's hair, and he'd now taken out the braid.

"And what are you doing?" Nikolai asked, watching.

"Enjoying myself," Fyodor replied as he twirled a few strands of Nikolai's hair around his fingers.

"...Alright then." Nikolai figured he should probably just let this happen. After all, what was most important right now was making sure Fyodor was alright. He could try and deal with his confusion later.

The two of them soon reached Fyodor's house and Nikolai unlocked the door. He headed to Fyodor's room, where he then put his friend on the bed.

Before Nikolai could leave the room, Fyodor had wrapped his arms around him and pulled him down onto the bed next to him.

Nikolai glanced at Fyodor.

Fyodor glanced back up at Nikolai and smiled a little as he clung onto him.

Nikolai smiled back, patting Fyodor's head.

Before long, Fyodor drifted off to sleep.

Unfortunately, sleep didn't come nearly as easily for Nikolai. His mind raced with thoughts of how on earth he was going to explain things when Fyodor inevitably asked what had happened.

...I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, he thought, trying to relax and not think about it. After awhile, he eventually fell asleep too.

The next morning, Fyodor began to stir slightly and that was when he realized Nikolai was there...right next to him...and he was currently clinging to the clown. How and when did this happen?

Nikolai was still asleep.

Fyodor let go of Nikolai and sat up, trying to remember. The last thing he vaguely remembered was being at the bar...


He also remembered Nikolai showing up there.

...He then began to also remember flirting with his friend.

Well, that wasn't embarrassing or anything.

"Fyo?" Nikolai slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them, watching Fyodor.

The nickname only served to embarrass Fyodor further. He hadn't been lying when he'd flirted with Nikolai, but he hadn't wanted the clown to find out this way.

"Fyyyyyyyoooooooo...?" Nikolai repeated.

Fyodor glanced at him. "Yes?"

"You good? You look like you're dying inside."

"...Yes, I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yes, of course."

Nikolai sat up and leaned closer to Fyodor, gazing right into his eyes.

Fyodor's face heated up as he slightly leaned back.

"Yeah, I don't believe you." Nikolai poked Fyodor's arm.

"Ok, you're right. I was just remembering what happened yesterday," Fyodor admitted.


"...I meant what I said, I really do like you. I just didn't mean for you to find out that way."

"Oh, ok- EH?"

"You heard me, Nik."

Now it was Nikolai's turn to blush. " you, too."

Fyodor smiled a little and leaned in closer, pulling Nikolai into a kiss.

Nikolai wrapped his arms around Fyodor, kissing back.

They pulled apart after a few minutes, slightly embarrassed but also glad they'd finally made their feelings known to each other. 

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