Poe's Secret Is Out (Ranpoe)

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(A/N: wow, it's been awhile. Anyways, I'm here with a request from vinnycore and what happens here is the Guild finds out about Ranpo and Poe dating. Without further ado, enjoy!)

Ranpo and Poe had recently started dating which was great and all, right?

Well, it was...except for one little thing.

Ranpo had asked Poe if he'd told anyone about them dating yet, and Poe's answer had shocked him, for he'd replied that no, he hadn't.

"Whhhaaaaatttttt?! You should tell everyone because I'm the best!" Ranpo exclaimed.

"I know, I know," Poe replied.

"Soooooo why haven't you?"

"You really think I'd be one to announce that to everyone?"

"Are you ashamed of me? Wow, Ed. I see how it is," Ranpo joked.

"N-no, I'm not ashamed of you at all! I never would be," Poe hastily replied.

"Relax. I know." Ranpo patted Poe's arm.

Poe smiled a little. "Good."

Ranpo went back to reading Poe's latest book. While it was true that he still solved the mysteries pretty quickly, that was only part of the reason he read Poe's books. He enjoyed reading them just as much as he enjoyed solving the mysteries. And plus, it was Poe who wrote the books so naturally they were good.

He soon looked up, having finished the book. "That was amazing as always."

"Thanks!" Poe replied, smiling.

"Of course. It makes me want to announce to the world that I'm dating an amazing writer and person in general."

While Poe found the sentiment sweet, he wasn't really looking to die of embarrassment.

But little did he know that that may or may not happen soon in the near future...

By next week, Ranpo had gotten bored of keeping his relationship with Poe a secret. He hadn't told anyone other than Yosano and Fukuzawa, as they were most like family to him. Though he had a feeling the whole agency knew at this point given how often Poe showed up at the agency.

So he hatched a plan.

He would pleasantly surprise his dear Poe.

With that in mind, he began to march off to the Guild's headquarters.

He soon reached his destination and immediately began to scan the area for a certain Poe of his. Hmmmm...

He kept looking.

By this point, he'd also started to notice some other people in the room, who he assumed were Poe's fellow Guild members. But they weren't who he was looking for. His main priority was finding Poe in order to surprise him.

Lucky for him, Poe-accompanied by Karl on his shoulders-soon appeared. He was alternating between looking through some papers and looking around. "Alright boss, I have the papers you asked for-"

Now was Ranpo's chance. He charged towards Poe, tackling him with a hug. "POOOOOOEEEEEE!!!!!!"

"Eh?! Ranpo?!" Poe managed to utter once he'd realized what had happened and took a moment to collect himself. He looked down at his boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Karl watched the two of them after he'd jumped off of Poe to avoid also being tackled.

Ranpo grinned up at Poe. "Yes, my dear?"

"What are you doing here?"

"I decided I'd come see you!"

"Oh, erm...thanks."

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