Apart (part 1, Ranpoe)

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A/N: I bestow upon you some more Ranpoe. This time, Poe will be back in America for work-related reasons so you know what that means: he and Ranpo and Karl will be temporarily apart but don't worry! They'll all be reunited. Without further ado, enjoy!

"WHAT?!" Ranpo exclaimed, giving Poe a shocked look.

"Yeah..." Poe began. He and Ranpo were hanging out at Poe's house and he'd just finished telling the master detective that he'd have to go back to America for about a week due to work-related reasons. He hadn't looked forward to breaking the news to Ranpo one bit. Both because he knew Ranpo wouldn't take it well, and he already knew they'd miss each other a lot, as this would be the longest they'd been apart since they started dating. It would also be the longest Poe would be away from Karl, and that also hurt. He'd had Karl since he was a baby and in all those years, he'd never been apart from his dear pet for very long.

(He may or may not still be overly protective even though Karl wasn't a baby anymore. He honestly doubted he'd ever become less protective over Karl.)

As if he'd read his owner's mind, Karl glanced at Poe.

Poe looked at the beloved pet resting on his lap. "Hey, Karl. I'll have to leave for a bit soon."

Karl squeaked sadly.

Poe already felt bad. "I'm sorry. But I still have a few days until I have to leave so don't worry."

Seemingly satisfied with that answer, Karl nuzzled into Poe's hand.

Poe smiled a little, patting Karl's head.

"Ed...you can't just leave me and Karl like this!" Ranpo pouted.

"I know, I know. Of course I don't want to, but I have to," Poe replied.

Ranpo pouted more.

Poe reached out and put an arm around Ranpo.

Ranpo leaned against Poe's shoulder and looked up at him. "Do you promise to call daily?"

"Of course," Poe assured him.

"And bring back some sweets so I can try them?"

"You got it."

"And not be gone too long?"

"I'll do my best."

"Good, good."

Poe smiled a little.

Ranpo smiled back.

The two of them enjoyed their time together, knowing that before long, they'd have to be apart for a bit.

~Time skip~

Poe had spent the past few days packing, getting everything in order, and overthinking.

But it was fine. He had gotten up early to make it to the airport and ensure he wouldn't miss his flight.

He was now sitting down and trying to forget the fact that he was in a crowded area with lots of people and would soon be boarding a crowded plane. Crowds never failed to make him anxious. But at least he still had Karl with him for now.

He glanced down at the sleeping raccoon in his lap, stroking his soft fur.

"Eeeeeddddddd!" a voice suddenly exclaimed.

Poe jumped, looking up to see who had just yelled for him. He glanced down at Karl for a minute before looking up again.

It turned out to be Lucy.

Poe relaxed once he noticed. "Oh, hey Lucy."

Lucy smiled. "Hey!"

"What brings you here?"

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