What If? (Ranpoe)

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(A/N: I've spoiled you guys with no angst for awhile...but now, it's time for more angst. You're welcome :) this was inspired by an idea I got which then turned into a rp with -_Horror_Writer_-. Since I already wrote a few oneshots where Ranpo comforted Poe, I decided to write the roles being reversed. Without further ado, enjoy!)

Ranpo had been feeling less than good lately. Actually, he'd even say he felt pretty bad.

The reason?

He'd recently started thinking back to that time when Fukuzawa had gotten injured and stayed unconscious for what felt like it would be forever at the time. He'd been incredibly worried and for as long as he could, hadn't left the side of the one he'd come to see as his father. Despite how worried he'd been, he couldn't just stay there forever. He'd had things to do. But if it had been up to him, he never would've left Fukuzawa's side, at least not until he knew the president would wake up.

What had especially sucked was all the nightmares. Most nights, Ranpo had found himself waking up in a cold sweat from a nightmare of Fukuzawa dying for real. The master detective only managed to calm down once he was completely sure it had only been a dream. But said dreams only kept plaguing him and he didn't know what to do about it.

All of this was to say that Ranpo was extremely glad Fukuzawa had eventually woken up, but even now, sometimes he still had those "what if" thoughts. What if Fukuzawa hadn't gotten better? What if he'd stayed unconscious forever? What if he'd...

No, stop thinking like that. He's ok. You just saw him at work yesterday. Nothing happened between then and now... Ranpo thought, trying to calm down.

He'd thought his feelings would leave him alone after that, but no. They'd ended up resurfacing at the worst possible time: when he was hanging out with Poe.

He'd gone over to Poe's house to read his latest novel and he'd been fine at first, but all the feelings he thought he'd buried were suddenly coming back to him. But he couldn't let Poe see him like this. He tried to ignore his feelings and distract himself by reading and trying to solve the mystery.

Poe silently watched Ranpo read as he leaned on a counter. He noticed Ranpo hadn't exactly seemed like himself (mostly since he hadn't done any of his usual teasing). He wasn't sure if he should ask Ranpo what was up since it technically wasn't his business. At the same time, he still couldn't help but worry.

Ranpo kept reading, finding it harder to distract himself, much to his dismay. He was trying his best to appear fine because he didn't want to worry Poe, but that was also becoming difficult at this point.

At this point, Poe's worries had gotten worse. "Hey...Ranpo, are you ok?"

Ranpo blinked, looking up from the book. He forced a smile. "Uh...yes, of course!"

Poe tilted his head slightly. "Are you sure...?"

"...Ok, maybe I'm not...but don't worry about it!"

"I...if you say so."

"Yeah, I'll be fine!" I hope that sounded convincing enough.

Poe found it hard to fully believe Ranpo, but he knew asking further wouldn't really do anything since Ranpo would just continue to try and convince him that everything was fine.

Ironically, the way Poe isn't trying to make me talk about things is making me want to talk, Ranpo thought. He glanced at Poe, finally dropping the act. "...Actually, I don't know if I am fine."

Poe glanced back at Ranpo.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to lie to you or anything, I just feel like I should be over what's bothering me."

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