Company (Poe, Karl, and Mushitarō)

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(A/N: this was inspired by a comment from Goubilicious. Without further ado, enjoy!)

Poe had recently finished his next novel and taken it to Ranpo (who of course had figured it out within seconds), and now he thought about expanding his audience a bit. He already had Ranpo read all his novels and he would also read them to Karl, but he wanted more people to read them. So he got an idea.

Poe gathered up Karl and his latest novel and then began to head to the local jail. He had a certain someone in mind that he wanted to read his book.

Given Poe's poor track record of socializing, he was shocked that he'd actually managed to become friends with Mushitarō, but somehow it had happened.

Mushitarō felt similarly. He had met Ranpo and Poe under some...interesting circumstances, so he hadn't expected to become friends with them. But here he was.

...Currently in jail.

This was fine.

Before long, Poe showed up at Mushitarō's cell.

Mushitarō glanced over and saw Poe. He blinked a few times to see if this was real and he wasn't just dreaming. "Poe?"

"Yes, that's me," the writer replied.


"Yes, that's him."

"What are you two doing here?"

"I figured you're pretty bored here, so I wanted to try and help with that."


Poe sat down by the cell and opened the book.

Mushitarō watched him curiously.

Poe then proceeded to read his book out loud.

Oh, he's reading to me. This isn't bad, Mushitarō thought. He began to listen.

Poe kept reading and for some reason, he found himself hoping Mushitarō would like the story. He guessed that was a sign he really considered Mushitarō as a friend since he cared about how the other viewed his latest work.

Mushitarō listened as Poe read, realizing that yes, he was enjoying the story.

Once Poe finished reading, he glanced at Mushitarō. "'d you like it?"

"It was actually really good," Mushitarō commented.

Poe smiled. "Thanks."

"Of course!"

Poe checked his watch. "I should probably get going. But I'll come back and visit you more if you want me to." He stood up and began to leave.

"Wait!" Mushitarō exclaimed.

Poe stopped and looked back at Mushitarō.

"Before you go, could I see Karl for a few minutes?" Mushitarō asked.

"Oh yeah, sure!" Poe sat back down and handed Karl to Mushitarō.

Mushitarō grinned and took him. Truth be told, he'd actually grown pretty fond of the raccoon. He hadn't necessarily expected that, but it sure had happened.

Karl squeaked a little and looked at Mushitarō.

Mushitarō gently stroked him.

Poe smiled to himself as he watched. He was always glad to see those he cared about getting along well.

Mushitarō held and petted Karl for a few minutes, and then Poe had to leave.

Mushitarō sadly handed over the raccoon. "Alright, see you guys. Could you come back soon?"

"Yeah, of course," Poe assured him. He took Karl, stood up again, and then waved as he walked away. "Bye."

"Bye!" Mushitarō waved back, watching his friend leave.

As Poe headed home, he got a bit lost in thought. He was still shocked he'd managed to make a friend (other than the few he already had), but hey, he wasn't complaining.

BSD Oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora