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Becky was greeted by Freen the moment she stepped outside at 6am the next morning.

She did everything she could to not turn bright red on the spot.

They hadn’t actually seen each other since their little peep show.

No sleeping in today?
Freen shrugged.

I figured if I’m ever gonna have abs like yours, I should probably start exercising more.” Becky blushed.

I can tell you right now,
Your stomach is perfect.
Not wanting to see Freen’s reaction, Becky took off running knowing the other girl wouldn’t be too far behind.

The pace they set was fairly decent. Freen had even come close to pulling ahead of Becky a few times, but the latter simply sped up, not  allowing the taller girl to overtake her.

That would just be embarrassing.

When Freen made her fifth attempt to pull ahead, Becky couldn’t figure out why she was so stubborn about it, but slowed her pace in order to boost the other girl’s confidence.

Once Freen was a few feet in front of her, Becky’s pace almost slowed to a crawl.

She suddenly realized why Freen was so adamant about running in front of her.

For some reason, Freen thought
It would be a good idea to wear the tightest, most form-fitting booty shorts known to man.

And Becky had to give her credit. It WAS a good idea. An idea she enjoyed very much. They made her ass look perfect and left Becky wishing she had brought a bottle of water with her.

After a few moments of leering, she pursed her lips and shook her head as she started running again.

She finally caught up to Freen, but still allowed the other girl to carry the lead.

After all, Freen was trying so hard to run at a faster pace. Who was she to deny her that bit of encouragement.

If she just so happened to glance down and watch her ass moving up and down with each stride, then that was just the cross Becky would have to bear.

Becky was really starting to enjoy the morning runs more and more. She used to just tune out the world around her with music.

But ever since Freen started joining her, all she really needed was the sound of their feet on the pavement and Freen’s adorable panting.

She tried to push out the thought of Freen panting while squirming underneath her.

After what happened the other day, it was all she could think about. But now was not the time.

It was going to be difficult enough getting through this run while staring at Freen’s luscious ass the whole time.

Did you have fun with your friends yesterday?” Becky was the first to break the silence about halfway through their run.

Freen slowed a bit and started jogging next to her.

Yeah. It was nice seeing them again.”

“How are they doing?”

“They’re good. Busy.”

“Have you known them long?”
Freen nodded.

We’ve been friends since grade school. Then Tee and I went away to different colleges. Nam stayed local. So every time we’re all back in town, we try to spend as much time together as we can. And it’s like no time has passed.”

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