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It had been one month. One whole month since Freen left for Europeat the end of the school year for afour-week art workshop.

Becky had beenso excited for her and remained a verysupportive girlfriend, even though itwas the hardest month of her life.

She finished school a week after Freen leftand came home missing her more thanever. It was especially hard being in her eoom and looking across the way to see Freen’s room completely dark.

Freen made it known she missed her too. And they managed to make it work. It was only a month and they talked on the phone and emailed almost everyday.

At one point, Becky was close to hopping a plane to London just to see her, but that thought ended up being the result of a drunken night with Irin and Nam. They convinced her it would be romantic but thankfully, she had passed out before purchasing a ticket online.

Freen had been gone a little over a week and Becky had been home exactly one day when the phone sex started.

They graduated and Skype sex very quickly after that. After nearly a year together, they were still as insatiable as when they first started watching each other through their windows.


It was a tough road, but after a month of emails, Skype and phone calls, Freen finally came home.

Becky greeted her enthusiastically at the airport and was excited to finally have her girlfriend in her arms again. What she wasn’t so thrilled about was the fact that Freen arranged for both of them to go to dinner with Nam, Tee, and Freen’s mom that evening.

They barely had time for Freen to shower and get ready to go meet everyone. Becky wanted to be a good girlfriend. She knew Freen’s mom and friends were
Just as excited to see her again.

But it didn’t help that Freen had been sexting her all day yesterday, along with sending very suggestive photos. And now, while seated at the restaurant with Amy, Nam, and Tee, it didn’t help that Freen decided to change into a short skirt and a shirt that Becky assumed she must have bought in Europe because she hadn’t seen it before.

It gave Becky the most exquisite view of Freen’s legendary cleavage. It also seemed to give everyone else the same view because Becky noticed a few male patrons checking out Freen.

And their waiter certainly wasn’t subtle when he zeroed in on Freen’s chest every time he came by to check on them.

Becky supposed she should be jealous, but she was too turned on to care. It was abundantly clear that Freen was trying to kill her and she wondered if Freen was just as turned on, but doing a damn good job at hiding it while talking so casually with her mom and friends.

Freen had no idea what she was talking to Tee about. Something about the food in Europe, or had they moved on to the shopping? She wasn’t quite sure, but she was obviously doing a good enough job with the conversation because Tee seemed to be following along.

She was more focused on Becky, who was sitting next to her in the booth as they sat across from the other three. She was focused on the fact that Becky kept scooting closer to her. She was focused on the hand that Becky placed on her thigh.

God, she missed that hand. Both of them, actually. After nearly a year together, and after spending the last month apart, they kept discovering new things about themselves and about each other.

This past month, Freen realized
she had a thing for Becky talking dirty to her. Perhaps it had to do with all those late night phone and Skype calls. But by the end of her trip, Freen was nearly able to come at the sound of Becky’s

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