Talk to me

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Chapter 14

11 AM Saturday ( back in time )


We haven't done anything since the day I came in crying. This might sound weird but we are all mourning our past self's that we lost that night. So when one of us cries about it the others follow. It's been a while since we had such a big breakdown, this house has been silent for days now. We haven't gone to work since that dinner, shit we haven't even been outside. It's a total isolation of everything and everyone. I've been receiving calls , emails, messages even letters from William. He started of asking if I was alright, then asked if someone hurt me to asking if he hurt me. I do feel bad for him because he sounds genuinely worried for me, but I just can't get myself to answer or even let him know I'm alive. Just then my phone lit up in the dark room, I try to move so I can take my phone but I'm stuck between Daphne and Bintou that are still asleep. They have been sleeping in my bed for the past few days, even tho I have spare rooms. I wake them up so we can all finally eat actual food, we haven't done that in two days. I know Daphne tried but she just ended up puking everything out in seconds.

I look at my phone to see another message from William,' Please answer'. I feel so guilty because he hasn't done anything but support me, he send our school an email trough the hospital or something letting them know we got food poisoning. I don't really know how but both Daphne and I got a message from the principal to take our time and get well. " Amisha you should take a shower, it really helps " Bintou says getting out of a steamy bathroom. " Yeah you're right. I need it " I got up and took my phone with me to play some music so I won't be alone with my thoughts. I turn on the tap so I can take a bath and undress, I was still wearing the pink sweater that Will gave me. This feels so peaceful. Frank Ocean is playing, I'm in a bubble bath that smells like vanilla and just total relaxation. Until my music stops and I hear my phone ringing. Hhh omg can I be left alone? I put out my wet hand and take my phone to see that it's Will, I pick up this time. " Hello " I say nervously waiting for him to say something. He stays quite probably wondering why I picked up after all his efforts to contact me. " Will, can you hear me? " I say after 2 min. Why is he not saying anything. " Speak " he says softly, " What? " I ask confused. " Speak, I want to hear your voice " he says. " But...why? " I ask nervous. " Your sweet voice, I missed hearing it " he answered. Did he really say that, am I imagining it? I've been ignoring him for days after having sex with him, and this is the first thing he says? " Please talk to me love " he begs. " Will.. I'm sorry for ignoring you " shit I'm apologizing, again. " Stop saying you're sorry darling, I knew something was wrong in the car " he says reassuring me. " Yeah, but it's not you. Remember when I told you that I want us to take things slow? ", " Mhm ". " I know you said that I don't need to explain myself but for us to work I'll have to unravel my past " I say. " There are some things that made me who I am today. And you will need to understand who I truly am, otherwise this will be over in a second " I say seriously hoping he doesn't think I'm crazy and breaks things off. " I will Amisha. I have to explain things about myself as well " he says.

We hung up and decided to meet up tomorrow depending on how I feel. I really want to see him but I don't feel ready. My mind keeps replaying images from what Caleb put me trough. I was overthinking again until someone knocks on the door, that lowkey scared me but I know it must be one of the girls. " Misha? Is everything good in there? " Daph says at the other side of the door. I open the door and give her a weak smile seeing her puffy eyes and rosy cheeks. " Could be better " I say trying to lighten the mood, which doesn't work because she starts crying while still smiling. " Oh baby " I say hugging her. Bintou walks in and I put my hand out calling her for a groups hug. " We look fucking ugly " Bintou ugly cries making us laugh. " I made breakfast " Daphne says, " Let's eat I'm starving " Bintou says. " Let's hug for 5 more minutes " I say too comfortable to let go.


I've did everything I can to make her answer and she finally did. " Hello " I can't believe I get to hear her angelic voice again. I visualize her face beautiful as ever but confused because there is no answer. She was apologizing but I didn't want to hear that, I wanted to hear her laugh and tell me that I will see her today. But of course it didn't go that way. Even tho this is a dark moment for her I feel like it's good that we can open up to each other. God I can't wait to see her again.
I am nervous about the conversation we will have. I already know what it's about, or who it is about.


-Last Thursday-

I still can't get over the argument I had with Vincent. Did I disappoint him that bad? I didn't mean it bad. Amisha is the woman of my dreams and yes I did some questionable things to get to the point we are. But it was needed, and it worked. I guess him and James are right. After I played with Mahala and put her to bed I went to my office to check mails. I was going to work and answer to some mails but then I received one from my private investigator. I was shocked, in disbelieve of my eyes and what I'm reading. I get up making my chair fall over. The anger and rage that I feel are out of this world. Who would ever hurt her? How can someone ever do that to her? James barges in my office worried, " What happen I heard something fall?! " he comes to check on me. " William? Will " he says standing next to me but I don't answer. I go back to my computer not believing what I just saw. I crumble down with tears in my eyes reading what happened to her word for word. " They hurt her " I say my voice cracking.
" What? Who? " James comes down to me rubbing my back. The last time I cried in front of him was at my late wife's funeral, it's been so long. James stood op to see what made me react this way. " Oh my... " he says quietly in shock. " James " I call him. " Mhm? " he comes back down, " I'm going to kill all of them " I say still looking down, " William don't say tha-" he says before I looked up at him with the most determent look. " Okay... okay I'm helping ".

I've been sitting on my office floor with the mail and pictures printed out on the floor. James joked that I'm a maniac but I actually might be. Every single person that have hurt her in the past will suffer for life or just die.


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