What happend to you?

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Chapter 2


I woke up the next morning early as hell for some reason. Its 6AM on a Saturday, why am I awake.
I try to go back to sleep but just end up getting annoyed that I can't. So I'll start my day I guess.

I took a shower last evening and I won't be going out today so what's the point. I go to my little study room with all my school essentials and a big bookshelf filled with all my faves.

I don't have exams yet but you can never start too early right? And certainly me, it is best for me to start very early since I'm not the best at learning. 2 years ago I started struggling with school, everything was too much. All the assignments piled up, too much things I had no control on. Honestly I don't think our school system determines our abilities. All I do is memorize but not actually learn yk.

I'm just venting at this point let's just start. I set A timer of 4h with breaks in between to eat an relax. At 10AM I decided to call my twin who's definitely up. The one and only, Bintou.

"Hey babes, what you doing?" I asked as soon as she picked up. (A)

"Well hello, nothing much sweetie. Want me to come over?" (B)

"Uhm sure, I have to clean first tho. Buuutt you can help me" I say happy cuz I know she won't say no.

"Hh fine I'll be there in 30, but i refuse to do your laundry" (B)

"Yeah yeah, see ya bye bye" (A)

"Byee" (B)

After hanging up I started cleaning so we won't have to do too much. My apartment is not a mess but sometimes I get overwhelmed with cleaning.


It's been 2h since Bintou and I cleaned up, It took us 40 min and after that we've just been laying in my bed, not saying one word. I get a call from Daphne telling me she will be here in 10min.

Its 2PM and we are all bored, like bored ass shit. We tried painting but idk where my brushes are, we tried baking but Daphne doesn't feel like it. so yeah here we are.

"Hey Isha, that man you were talking to yesterday who was that?" Daph asked out of nowhere.

"Which one I've spoken to like every dad that came in." I said trying to figure out who she's talking about. That's when I remember. William. William West.

" I think he came to get Mahala, the tall one" she continues.

" Yeah I remember, that was her dad Mr. West". "Oh" she said.

"Why you asking?". " Have you seen him damn he was fine, Bintou he was so fine omg" she claims.

For some weird reason I don't like what she's saying, I mean she has gotten with other dads( single) but does she have to take him?

"And the way he was looking down at Isha just wow". I kind of froze to what she said.

"What do you mean?" Bintou asked sitting up to get closer as if she couldn't hear Daph.

"That man had his eyes glued on her since she walked out of class to let the kids out" she says.

"Well I'm the classes teacher I'm the only one standing there at that time." (A)

" Lier! there were a lot of parents waiting and he let all of them go first just to stare at you and go as last. He even came back to tell you something". She says like she was drawing a picture of what happen in her head.

"Damn you got daddies falling for you" Bintou smirks at me as I feel my face getting warm.

"You are so dramatic he just wanted to know if I'm staying here."

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