I'm sorry

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Chapter 5


I didn't sleep last night, couldn't. After talking to Amisha I felt bad, I didn't know she would get so upset about this. I didn't even know she would mind, I mean I was just worried about her. Someone is after her and I want to know who and end their life. Who could be after my sweet girl. But tbh I'm not better than that man, I'm actually maybe worst.

I started watching her months ago, even before she came to the UK. The first time I met her I was on a trip with my daughter for a week just exploring America. Amisha was working as a Starbucks barista that day. It was so crowded that day she did not look up often to see the costumers. But she looked up once, that's when I knew she was mine. I don't care how crazy or creepy you think I am but from then on I knew that I was meant to be with her. Forever.

I hired some people to get information about her. I basically know everything, well everything that she has ever told someone. Her favorite color, food, where she grew up, family names, sizes (clothes, shoes, ring), allergies you name it. I also made sure that she and her friends could move to the UK after their graduation. There are still some parts of her life that stays a mystery but I'll find a way to know what those are.

So yes I might be worse than her stalker, but I never put her in danger.


"Dude hurry tf up" I bang on the bathroom door, while Daph is taking a 2 hour shower.
"SHUT UPP" she shouts back. "You got to be kidding me, is she still in there?!" Bintou just came back from the store. "Yup she won't get out" I just go to the kitchen to help Bintou get out the groceries.

"So what's up for today?" Bintou asks "Idk I really wanna go to a museum" "Sounds goods to me but let's wait for miss attitude before we plan". Just as she said that Daphne came in the room, "Are you guys talking shit about me again?" Bintou and I stayed silent while looking at each other. "Yes" we said at the same time. She looked at us for a few more second before swinging at us. We didn't expect that so we started running around the house laughing but actually being scared.

"I'm tired", "Yeah well that would happen if you didn't try to kill us" we're all laying on the cold kitchen floor out of breath. I started laughing cuz what the hell just happened.
"So we were thinking about going to a museum" I said trying to control my breathing. "Sounds good to me, not too far tho" said Daphne. "K let's get ready it's already 1 in the afternoon"

After we all got ready singing more like screaming and putting our clothes on we got in the car.
When we got there we were all so excited, it's been a 2 weeks since we all went out somewhere together so we're hyped, yes even to go just to a museum.

We've been here for 30min and I can't find those 2 bitches. *on FaceTime* "Where tf are you guys!" I whisper yell at them. "Bintou said we were going to play a game" Daphne said snickering "What fucking game?!" I asked not knowing about the game, when did we even decide that. "It's simple we're hiding and you have to find us" Bintou speaks up. "What? I'm not doing all that. This place is huge and we didn't came her for this" I said already being done with these two. " Well I'm driving us so you have to look for me anyways", After that they hung up leaving me questioning my life. Who tf plays hide and seek in a museum.

 After that I just did my thing and actually enjoyed the silence of being alone and looking at beautiful art. There is this one huge painting I've been looking at for a bit, I sat down and admired it for like 5min already until someone sat down. As I was about to get up the person spoke up. "Isn't this beautiful, these days people make art so simple and poring. With no emotions or back story, so... plain". "I totally agree, everything is modern. So black and white minded." We sat there still looking at the painting. I finally looked at the person next to me only for it to be William. He's still looking in front of us, gosh he's absolutely gorgeous. He could definitely be used as a model for this kind of art. So what's the word... angelic.

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