Black Kitty [Afterdeath]

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There, a bleached bleeding skeleton sat in the blankness of the save screen. He was all alone, with no one to talk to and all the papers and pens that surrounded him were full and empty. His phone and laptop were dead and he was bored out of his mind. It was maybe 2 or 3 days since Reaper left to go tend to his reaping duties and poor Geno was left in a state of bordom. He lied on the ground and stared at the yellow headache-inducing words "Game Over".

He took a deep breath before letting it out. He used his hand to grab the pillow nearby and cuddled with it, trying to sleep because he had nothing better to do. Sometimes he wished that an outlet existed in this dark place so he could charge his phone or his laptop atleast. After a while of counting sheep, he finally closed his eyes but his sweet naptime was interrupted abruptly when he heard a familiar voice saying "Gennooo I'm backkk and I brought something!!".

Geno groaned and only stirred without opening his eyes. He wanted to sleep now more than ever. "Go away Death...go charge my phone or something.." He said in an irritated voice as he placed his arm over his face. Reaper only chuckled at this and he proceeded to lower something on Geno's exposed belly. As he let it go Geno's eyes shot open, he could feel something sharp clutching his stomach and he sat up. To his surprise, it was an adorable black colored Maine Coon kitty.


Geno gasped as he stared at the kitty, his eye sockets practically lit up

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Geno gasped as he stared at the kitty, his eye sockets practically lit up. "Oh my gosh, Reaper!!! Where did you get this Coon???!!!" Geno asked as he lifted the kitty up and proceeded to press his none existant nose to it's nose. Reaper looked at Geno with confusion as he heard him say "Coon". He was quite confused of the word Geno used, he never heard anyone call a kitten "Coon" in his entire life. "What's a "Coon"?" Reaper asks and sat down with Geno who was happily playing with the kitten.

"Reaper are you serious?!" Geno shouted as he turned to look at his dumbfounded lover, but Reaper's expression was still the same, confused and weirded out. "Well this kitty's breed is Maine Coon so I called it "Coon" for short." Geno said before hugging the adorable ball of fluff. Reaper only smiled looking at Geno happy as ever.

He always loved that smile on Geno's face.

"M'kay." Reaper replied as he hugged his knees and stared at Geno who was basically glued to the kitty. Then Geno stopped and he asked Reaper, "Hey Death, What's its name? Does it have one?". Reaper stopped.

...This was quite a pickle to answer.

"...I don't know, some guy slaughtered an entire family including him and the family never got to name it, I think...but you can give it a name just in case." Reaper answered truthfully and Geno stared with shock at Reaper. "Wait this little guy is actually a dead soul?" Geno asked and Reaper nodded. "No wonder you can touch him..." Geno said, his tone being a lot less cheery and more quiet.

Reaper inched closer to Geno and leaned on to his shoulder. "Yeah, It's quite sad, but atleast my brother gave me special permission to keep this soul just like you." Reaper muttered and Geno only smiled before looking at the kitten sleeping on his lap with it's belly exposed. Geno gently positioned Reaper's head on his lap and the kitten on his chest before laying down on the ground.

The three looked cute laying on top of one another. The grim reaper on the lap of his lover and a soul of a dead kitten on top of the chest of the grim reaper's lover. "Hmmm.... Reaper, can we name him "Scone"?" Geno asked and Reaper hummed in reply, "Sure, you're hungry aren't you?". Geno sighed and turned away in a flash, making Reaper's head fall on to the hard cold void. Geno made sure the kitty was safe while Reaper was wincing in pain. "Ouuuchhhh why'd you do that?" Reaper asked before sitting up. He sounded like he was complaining and Geno only responded to that with "I don't know, I just felt like it.", he also said that in a sassy tone.

Reaper only rubbed his head and then Geno pulled him down, making him land on Geno's chest. Reaper was confused by this sudden action but when he was greeted by the cute little kitten and Geno saying "Lay down Death.", he instantly knew what was happening. He began purring as he dug his face on Geno's chest and Geno blushed as it happened. The kitten did nothing and only slept next to Geno, but Geno didn't move to scold Reaper. He hated to admit it in words so he showed it through his actions.

This was how he showed his grattitude to Reaper.

The three just chilled there for a while, It was less lonely as Geno liked to put it. He enjoyed this, the peace and the feeling of not being alone made him feel warm inside. Then a ring destroyed all the peace. Reaper groaned on Geno's chest before reaching his phone in his pocket, not even bothering to look at it before picking the phone call up.

"BROTHER? HELLO- OH... I'M SO SORRY TO DISTURB UH... WHAT YOU'RE DOING BUT YOU NEED TO REAP QUASI MANHATON AND JENI HENDERSON'S SOULS OH AND THE LIST GOES ON.." Papyrus informs from the other side and Reaper only groans before a muffled response could be heard "Finee...". Geno blushed as he knew that he exposed himself like this to his brother in law, but there was nothing he could do since Reaper already hung up. Reaper shoved his old ass phone in his pocket before getting up from Geno's chest.

He kissed him on the lips, cheeks, and forehead before asking "Welp, I gotta go now Geno. Do you want me to charge your phone?". Geno only blushed and replied "Yeah..." and Reaper got up before picking Geno's phone and laptop before leaving through a portal, but before he left he gave a flying kiss to Geno before shouting "I'll be back to love you Mi Amor!" In a cheesy voice.

Geno only rolled his eyes at this and continued laying down on the floor, cuddling with the kitty. He was thankful that Reaper gifted him this precious feline. Thanks to Scone, he didn't feel alone...

A/N: In my AU, Reaper is the god of Death while Papyrus is the god of the Dead, two DIFFERENT roles that may appear similar but aren't. Also Geno is a dead soul but his soul was returned to his body because of Reaper taking an interest in him but Scone was not returned to his body. Okay time to sleep now-

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