A Monster And A God [Nightkiller]

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Once upon a time, a certain Monstrous Deity was tasked with guarding a box that held the divine ebony tendrils of the God of The Night and Negativity, Nightmare. Many had tried to purloin the box but were wrapped by the Monster's tail and devoured.

You see...If you manage to get your hands on Nightmare's tendrils inside that box, you will be granted with powers untold; that is why this particular 'lower-class Deity' was the best candidate for guarding the box.

It could spit venom that could cause Insanity or loss of Mind. Its tail could crush the toughest of minerals and It was flexible as Garter and durable as steel. Its beautiful ruby scales were smooth to the touch and Its looks could seduce Man and Woman...or maybe, gods. It was not a gorgon and neither was it a lamia...It was simply a species of Its own; A Monstrous Deity with the upper body of a beautiful mortal and the lower body of a serpent. It was also one of the Offsprings of Ink the God who personifies the earth and Error who personifies Tartarus.

Its name was "Killer", Given by townsfolk.

As Killer slept in a lonesome cave, he hugged the box with care. It was currently Nighttime and he was done with his dinner, the remains cooking in a fire to attract some animals to eat later.

In the dead of the night, a dark figure entered the cave without causing a noise. He tapped the Half-serpent gently and he quickly woke up. He glared at the dark figure and after realizing it was Nightmare, he sat up and offers the box with worship and grace. Nightmare smiles and accepts the box, he puts it aside and proceeds to pull the half-serpent close. Kissing him, letting his sexual desires loose. The half-serpent shared the same feelings with the God and It too let their sexual desires take over.

Right outside the cave was a Jackalope, It peeked through the entrance and caught The God of the Night and the half-serpent in the middle of making love. This Jackalope was shocked for it was no ordinary Jackalope, It was Dream, The god of Mornings disguised as a Jackalope. He quickly fled the scene and ran to spread what he saw. Even though Dream and Nightmare were brothers and would NEVER do anything to offend or cross the other... Dream couldn't resist but to spill this can of beans.

I mean, Dream is sometimes known as the God of Gossip.

Time Skip

Killer woke up, with the box next to him. He places the box on his lap and sighs, remembering the events that occurred last night. He smiled and grabbed the cloth hanging on the cave wall beside him. He covered the box and carried it outside, towards the river.

He placed the box beside him and scooped some water with his hand, splashing it over his face. He continued to bathe until he heard a snap of a branch behind him. By instinct, he grabs the box and turns around. Killer pauses and sighs out of relief, It was just a Satyr obsessing over a dryad. He stares back into the water and sees a person staring back at him.
He immediately used his tale to slap the person but he ducked.

"Woah, woah, woah, there lamia." He said reassuringly. "What's your intention here?" Killer asks, holding the box tight. "I'm a merman, I live here with the naiads, fish, etc..." The merman explains. Killer was still skeptical and he asks: "What's your name?". The merman smiles and replies: "Oh, my name is Outer.". Killer was still suspicious of Outer and kept quiet. Outer was waiting for something to happen but the two just stayed there in awkward silence.

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