New Friends

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Kion took them to Hakuna Matata Falls.

Kion: "Bunga? Hey Bunga, where are you?"

Suddenly someone yelled from behind them.

Bunga: "Zuka Zama!" He yelled as he jumped into Kion. Kion lost his balance and they both fell into the water, splashing both Shinx and Fennekin.

Fennekin: "Ugh! Hey!"

They both rose from the water.

Kion: "Bunga!" He said angrily.

Bunga laughs. "Sorry about that Kion. You know how crazy I can be."

Fennekin: "And by crazy, you mean completely out of your mind?!" She yells to him, still wet from the splash.

Bunga: "Woah! Who are these guys Kion?" He says as he jumps out of the water.

Kion: "This is Shinx, my Step-brother, and his girlfriend Fennekin."

Bunga: "Step-brother?"

Shinx: "It's a long story." He sighs. "So, your Bunga, huh?"

Bunga: "Uh-huh! The bravest animal in all of the Pridelands!"

Fennekin giggles. "Right. A beaver like you? The bravest in the Pridelands? Give me a break."

Bunga gets in her face. "Excuse me? I'm a honey badger!"

Fennekin: "Oh, I know. It's called mocking. Look into it." She growls.

Shinx gets in between them. "Ok guys. We don't need any of that."

Bunga: "Hey, she started it."

Kion: "Relax Bunga. It's not that big of a big deal."

Bunga: "She acts just like Fuli."

Shinx: "Fuli? Who's she?"

Kion: "She's another one of my friends. Wanna come with us to find her Bunga?"

Bunga: "Why not? Beats being here alone while Timon and Pumba are hanging out without me."

Shinx: "You know Timon and Pumba?" He asks as they start walking.

Bunga: "Yeah. They're my uncles. Well, adoptive uncles. I was all alone until they found. I consider them my family."

Kion: "Hey, just like you Shinx." He says to him. "You were all alone until mom and dad found you. Now your part of the family."

Shinx giggles. "Technically, Rafiki is the one who found me first."

Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them.

Rafiki: "Tis true indeed."

Everyone turns around and sees him.

Kion: "Hi Rafiki."

Shinx: "Rafiki!" He says as he runs to him.

Rafiki: "Ahaha! It is true! You have returned to us. I felt it. That someday you'd return." He then notices Fennekin. "And who do we have here?" He smiles as he walks toward her.

Fennekin: "Uh..I'm Fennekin." She smiles.

Bunga: "She's Shinx's girlfriend!" He says suddenly.

Kion/Shinx: "Bunga!"

Fennekin sighs. "Does everyone need to know that?"

Rafiki kneels down to her. "A beautiful one at that." He smiles. He then turns to Shinx. "You picked a good one."

Shinx blushes and smiles. "Yeah, I know. I felt it the moment I saw her."

Rafiki: "He's a keeper." He wispers to her.

The Story of Shinx BluecatWhere stories live. Discover now