Secret Revealed pt.2

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After a couple of hours, it was time for Fennekin to head home. Her mom was there to pick her up. Shinx and Fennekin stood by Shinx's house door.

Fennekin: "I had fun practicing today."

Shinx: "Me too. Though now my vocal cords hurt." He chuckled.

Fennekin: "Mine too. Better make some hot tea and honey for Wednesday."

Shinx: "Agreed." He said. "Well, see ya tomorrow."

Fennekin: "You too." She says as they hug each other. Once they broke apart, Fennekin hesitated, but just then, she kissed Shinx on the cheek. "Ok! See ya tomorrow!" She said as she headed inside the car and drove off.

Shinx stood there, blushing.

Zeraora: "Well, well, well. Someone likes you~."

Shinx: "Wha? I-I don't know what your talking about!" He crossed his hands, acting like he doesn't know what she's talking about.

Zeraora: "Oh Shinx, honey, that's what they call love. If a girl kisses you, it means she likes you, and wants to be with you."

Shinx blushed harder. "Ugh! Stop embarrassing me mom! Besides, we're both 12. Isn't that a little...too young to be in a relationship?"

Zeraora: "Not unless you know how to be in one. There isn't exactly an ideal age to be in a relationship, but you should be in at least middle school, in my opinion."

Shinx: "Eh, I guess so. I mean..I do like Fennekin and want to be with her too. More than anything, but...I'm just not ready yet." He tells her. "Especially with what I had with Rani." He wispers.

Zeraora starred at Shinx. "What?"

Shinx froze. "What? I-I didn't say anything!" He said.

Zeraora: "Mmm..ok?" She said. She was sure Shinx was hiding something else.

June 11th. The next day... Shinx and Tepig walk into school.

Tepig: "So, she kissed you?" He asked.

Shinx blushed. "On the cheek!" He told him. "But..yes."

Tepig: "Dude! Do you know what this means?"

Shinx sighed, and smiled. "Is it the same thing my mom said? How she's in love with me and wants to be with me?"

Tepig: "I-yeah, pretty much. Don't you?"

Shinx: "Of course I do." He says as he opens his locker. "But, I just feel like I'm too young to be in a relationship right now. Besides, I'm also trying to accomplish something else right now."

Tepig: "What's that?"

Shinx: "Oh!'s not important." Just then the bell rings. "Well, gotta get to class. See ya!" He says as he ran off.

Tepig: "Dude, we have the same 1st period!" He yells, running after him.

Shinx runs into first period and sits down. Tepig right behind him.

Tepig: "Dude, what's up with you?" He asked.

Shinx sighs. "I'm sorry I ran away Tepig. When I get too embarrassed, I run off."

Tepig put his hoof on Shinx's shoulder. "Eh, don't worry about it buddy. It happens." He tells him. "Now tell me, what were you talking about when you said 'trying to accomplish something else', what does that mean?"

Before Shinx could talk, the bell rang for class. "I'll...tell you after school. Ok? It's safer." He said. Tepig nodded and class started.

At lunch...

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