Valentines Love

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Authors note: "Hello everyone! So, this is going to be a big time skip. (Aka, into 2014) because I couldn't figure out what else to do in 2013. Plus, I felt like I was wasting time with being in 2013. Hense, time skip! Hope you enjoy this chapter. I know I do❤

February 14, 2014...

Fennekin and Eevee were walking to Fennekin's locker, talking and laughing. She opened her locker, and a note fell out.

Fennekin: " Huh? What's this?"

Eevee: "Oh, you have got to he kidding girl. It's Valentine's Day. What else do you expect it to be?"

Fennekin chuckled as she opened the note.

Hi Fennekin, I know I could say this to you in person, but I got too nervous. So, a note will do. Since the Valentine's Day dance is tonight, I thought you'd like to go with me?

Will you be my date for Valentine's dance?
Your favorite cat, Shinx :)

Fennekin blushed as she chuckled.

Eevee: "Let me guess, it's Shinx, isn't it?" She said excitingly.

Fennekin: "Of course it is. He asked if I would be his date for the dance."

Eevee: "Well? Are you?"

Fennekin: "Duh." She tells her.

Eevee jumped excitedly. "Yes, yes, yes!"

Meanwhile, Shinx was walking with Tepig. Shinx was a blushing mess.

Shinx: "I-I don't know, dude. Maybe I should get the note from her locker before she sees it."

Tepig: "Relax, man. You don't even know her locker number. Besides, she'll say yes for sure. Everyone knows you two have crushes on each other. Even you two know you like each other!"

Shinx: "Yeah, and we told each other we wouldn't get into a relationship until we were ready." He tells him. "But that note was so cheesy. What if she does say no? What if she reads it and thinks it's lame?  What if she hates me for the rest of my life?"

Tepig grabbed him by his shoulders. "Dude! Relax. Your spiraling again." He says. "I know she'll say yes. Without a doubt." He reassures him.

Shinx: "I hope you're right."

Suddenly, Fennekin and Eevee appeared behind them.

Eevee: "Hey boys."

Shinx jumped. His fur fuzzed up. "H-Hey girls. H-How's it going?"

Eevee: "We're fine." She says. "But Fennekin here has something to say to you~" She says, nudging Fennekin.

Fennekin blushed. "Um...Shinx." She starts. "I.. got your note."

Shinx: "Crap! She already saw it? It's ok, Shinx. Breath..." He takes a deep breath. "Shwari." He takes another deep breath. "I'm so sorry about that note, Fennekin! I knew it was a bad idea to -"

Fennekin: "Yes."

Shinx opens his eyes. "Really?"

Fennekin nods. "Yes, I will go with you."

The Story of Shinx BluecatTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang