Interrogation pt.1

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After school, Shinx and his friends were standing outside the school.

Shinx: "You guys should've been there! It was incredible. We swung around the room and sang our hearts out!"

Tepig: "I'll bet. The way you guys sang yesterday was unexpected. I expected joy and shock on Mrs. Meloetta's face."

Just then, Zekrom walked over to them. "Shinx Bluecat. Come with me for a second, will you?"

Shinx: "Uh, ok. I'll see you guys later." He says as he and Zekrom walk away.

Shinx walks behind Zekrom. They walk in town.

Zekrom: "I called your parents to let them know where I'm taking you so they don't need to worry.

Shinx: "Ok. Uh, just curious, but, where are we going?" He asked.

Zekrom: "Someone just wants to talk to you. That's all. Nothing terrible." He tells him. "Oh! And just so your wondering, your not in trouble or anything."

Shinx: "Oh, thank goodness!" He says, relieved. "For a second there, I thought that-"

Before he could say anything else, Zekrom shushed him. Shinx looked up to see a big building in front of him.

Shinx: "Wow. What is this place?" He asked.

Zekrom didn't answer. He just walked inside. Shinx ran in to catch up.

Entei: "Mr. Zekrom, sir! I didn't know you were coming."

Zekrom: "No worries Entei. I'm here with Shinx Bluecat. Mewtwo and Mew wanted to speak to him."

Shinx just stood there. "Mew? Mewtwo? Who the heck are they?" He says in his mind.

Entei: "Alright." He says as he opens the elevator door for them.

Zekrom: "Come along Bluecat."

Shinx follows him into the elevator as the door closes. Once the door opens, Shinx walked out and saw he was almost at the top of the building. "Oh boy! That is high." He says, covering his mouth.

Mewtwo: "It is indeed." He says as he turns his chair, facing them.

Zekrom: "Shinx, this is Mewtwo. My second in command. And- where is Mew?" He says when he notices Mew wasn't there.

Mewtwo: "Oh, she went into town for a bit. She'll be back soon." He says.

Zekrom: "Alright. Well, I'll leave you to it." He says as he walks away.

Shinx: "Wow, wow, wow! Your not staying?"

Zekrom: "It's not my talk about." He says as the elevator opens. "Have fun." He says after the door closes.

Shinx froze. Standing in a room with a legendary pokemon he didn't know.

Mewtwo: "Have a seat Shinx." He said calmly. "So, how's it been? Since you returned? Hard to readjust?"

Shinx: "Uh, well..yeah. At first, it was a bit...weird, but after a while, I managed to get used to everything."

Mewtwo: "Yeah, I feel ya kiddo. It took me a while to get used to all this." He says. "I mean, the humans we lived with used the same equipment, but I never got how they worked."

Shinx: "W-Wait. What did you just say?" He said with a surprised expression.

Mewtwo: "Oh! I uh- oh crap!" He said as he slapped his forehead with his hand.

Shinx: "There were humans here before!?"

Mewtwo: "Shhh!" He says, covering Shinx's mouth. "Be quiet. If someone hears you yelling that word, we could both be in trouble. Understand?"

Shinx nods. He then removes Mewtwo's hand off his mouth. "So, Pokemon and humans used to be together?" He said with a confused look. "Where are the humans now?"

Mewtwo's eyes widen. He sighs. "Come with me." He says as he takes Shinx to a room. He turns on the lights and reveals a huge library.

Shinx: "Wow! This is the biggest library I've ever seen!"

Mewtwo walks over to a shelf and starts looking for something. A special book. "I know it's around here somewhere." He says as he continues to struggle to find the book.

Shinx: "Look, if it's gonna take you a while to find it, you might as well just tell me." He tells him. "Just tell me the truth."

Mewtwo sighs."Many, many years ago, us pokemon lived in another dimension called Japan. Us pokemon lived within the islands around Japan, or if we had humans, we lived with them." He says as he and Shinx walk back to his office. "For me and other legendary pokemon though, we never had owners. We stayed away from them. But for me, I found humans quite fascinating. Especially one kid." He smiles, looking out the window.

Shinx: "What kid?"

Mewtwo: "His name was Ash. Ash Ketchum. He's the reason I'm fond of humans. He and his friends traveled all around the islands and learned a lot about pokemon as well as catching them."

Shinx: "Catching?"

Mewtwo walks over to a glass border, and inside was a pokeball. "Yes. Humans used to catch pokemon with this ball called a pokeball." He says as he opens the border.

Shinx was about to to touch it, but Mewtwo slaps his hand. "Ow! What the?"

Mewtwo: "If you touch it, or if it touches you, you'll he trapped in it. Or at least until your freed from it."

Shinx: "Jeez. Ok." He says, rubbing his hand. "So, Ash and his friends never hurt pokemon?"

Mewtwo: "Oh god no! Ash was the kindest human you'd ever meet there. They all were." He says. His smile then faded. "However, there were some people out there who did hurt us. They were the reason Mr. Zekrom told us to leave forever."

Shinx: "Really?"

Mewtwo nods. "I remember two of them: Team Rocket and Team Plasma. They were the worst. Especially Team Plasma."

Shinx: "What did they do?"

Mewtwo hesitates to answer. "Team Plasma stole pokemon by either manipulating their owners into handing them over or just by stealing them. And from what I remember, they would sell the pokemon. I'm not sure to who though."

Shinx starred at him, shocked. "They stole pokemon? No way!"

Mewtwo: "Way indeed little one." He said. He then changed the subject. "Well now, let's discuss what we actually brought you here for."

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