Interrogation pt.2

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Mewtwo: "That roar that happened a while back. Mew told me that-"

Shinx panicked. "She saw that?!"

Mewtwo: "Yes. Now, there's nothing to worry about kid, all you have to do is tell us how you have a roar that isn't like any other roar most pokemon have."

Shinx: "Uh...w-well,"

Before he could answer, Entai came running inside. "Mewtwo! Your sister has come back sick. She needs to be taken home immediately!"

Mewtwo got up from his chair. "I'll be there." He says as Entai runs back down. He then turns to Shinx. "We'll finish this some other time. Ok?" Shinx nods. "Alright. Now let's head out. I gotta check on Mew." He says as they both head down the the bottom floor. Once they do, Shinx walks out of the door and looks down at the ground.

Shinx walks to a pond and sits down. "So, they know about the roar? Great. Just great!" He yells as he throws a rock into the water. "And if things couldn't have gotten worse, humans and Pokemon used to be together? I mean, come on!" He says as he throws another rock in the water.

Suddenly, Shinx's phone rings. He answers. "Hello?" It was his mom.

Zeraora: "Shinx? Where are you? It's almost 4:30!"

Shinx: "What're you talking about? Didn't Mr. Zekrom tell you where I'd be?"

Zeraora: "Well, yes, but that was hours ago! He said it wouldn't take long."

Shinx: "It...wasn't that long. I just went to the lake to rest for a bit."

Zeraora: "Oh, ok. Well, dinner's getting started, so, why don't you come home sweetheart."

Shinx sighs. "Ok. Be right there." He says, and hangs up.

Once Shinx gets home, he opens the door and sees his mom cooking dinner, and his dad on the couch watching tv.

Luxury: "Hey scout! How was the talk with Mewtwo?" He asks.

Shinx: "It was...good. How're things here?"

Luxury: "Same as always."

Shinx: "Ok, well I'm gonna head to my room now. Love you." He says as he runs upstairs to his room. He closes the door quietly, puts his backpack by his desk, and lays down on his bed horizontally. He sighs. "So, humans what Zekrom's afraid of?" He asks himself. Suddenly, he hears his phone buzz. He gets up from his bed and grabs his phone. It was Tepig. He answers. "Hey Tepig."

Tepig: "Hey dude!" He waves from his camera. "I got everyone online. Say hi guys!" He says. Everyone had their faces on the screen from their own phones.

Fennekin: "Hey Shinx!"

Litten: "Hey man!"

Tepig: "So, what happened? What did Mr. Zekrom want?" He asks.

Shinx: "Uh,'s a weird story. It turns out that he did hear about my roar. Mrs. Mew told him and-"

Everyone: "Mrs. Mew?!" They yell from the phone. Shinx shushes them to he quiet.

Snivey: "Are you saying Mr. Zekrom took you to the Government's office?"

Shinx nods. "Yes. Mew told her brother, Mewtwo, and they wanted to talk to me about it. But then, when I went to talk to Mewtwo...he said something that blew my mind."

Axew: "What's that?"

Shinx: "Well, um...apparently, pokemon used to live with humans..."

Everyone: "What?"

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