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Lucario was standing on the mat, waiting for Shinx. Shinx then came into the room.

Lucario: "You ready kid?"

Shinx: "Born ready." He said, walking on the mat.

Lucario and Shinx both got into fighting position. Lucario then ran towards him and punched him. Shinx fell back, but didn't fall over.

Shinx: "Wow." He whispered. Shinx then ran towards him, jumped, and tried to punch Lucario, but he dodged, making Shinx land into other mats. "Ow!" He yelled.

Lucario ran to where he was. "You alright bud?" He asked, kneeling down to him. Just then, Shinx kicked him on the nose, and then used the leg sweep to make Lucario fall on the mat. Lucario was stunned.

Shinx: "Hah! Now look who's on the ground."

Lucario: "How did you do that? I thought you never did karate before?"

Shinx: "Well, being alone for 7 years, I wanted to protect myself from dangers. Whenever I could, I'd practice fighting. I guess I didn't realize what karate was until we started." He said as he grabbed Lucario's hand to help him up.

Of course, it wasn't a full lie. Whenever he got chance to, he could practice fighting to protect himself from dangers.

Lucario: "Well, I must say, you've got some moves." He smiled.

Shinx smiled back. "Thanks Lucario. That means a lot."

Lucario: "Well, you ready for me to show you some of the best karate moves ever!" He asked.

Shinx: "Is that even a question?" He asked back. This made them both laugh as they got back on the mat.

Through 12:30-2:30, Lucario taught Shinx many karate moves. Including some advanced moves that older kids would be taught. But Lucario saw that Shinx was ready for some advanced moves.


It was 2:30. Practice was over.

Lucario: "Hey, it was nice meeting you Shinx."

Shinx: "You too. I'll come back next weekend to practice some more."

Lucario: "Sounds good kid. See you then!" He says to him.

Shinx walks out the door and walks on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, he hears his name being called. He turns around and sees his friends waving to him. Shinx runs across the street to them.

Shinx: "Hey guys! How's it going?"

Tepig: "Nothing much. We're just walking around town." He tells him.

Fennekin: "We saw you come out of Punch Fitness. What were you doing over there?"

Shinx: "Duh, practicing karate of course! You guys should try it. It's fun."

Tepig: "Eh, probably not me. Fighting isn't exactly my cup of tea."

Eevee: "Why? You scared of getting your precius skin scratched?" She mocks him, making Snivey and Vulpix giggle.

Tepig: "Well, I-you-.. "

Shinx: "Relax buddy. It's fine. Fighting isn't for everyone." He giggles.

Tepig: "Whatever." He groans.

Fennekin: "Well, you know, pokemon used to battle each other back in the olden days." She said. Just then, Litten covered her mouth, but Shinx still heard.

Shinx: "Wait, what?"

Fennekin licked Litten's paws so he'd let go.

Litten: "Ew! What the heck Fennekin?" He yelled, but Fennekin ignored.

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