A Growing Friendship pt.1

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After a few minutes, Shinx and Varian finally made it to Varian's house.

Varian: "Here we are Shinx. Welcome to my home!"

Shinx: "It's very...messy?" He says as he looks outside the house. Some parts were cracked and broken.

Varian rubbed the back if his neck. "Yeah, that might be because of me.."

Shinx: "You?"

Varian nodded. "Remember when I said I wanted to show you something?"

Shinx: "Yeah?"

Varian: "Well..come on! I'll show you. Come on in." He says as he opens the door and ushers Shinx inside, where his father was cooking.

Qurin heard the door open, and knew his son was home. "Varian! There you are. Where have you been?" He said as he hugged his son.

Varian: "I'm good dad."

Qurin then noticed Shinx. He picked up his son and grabbed a knife from the kitchen. "Who are you? How did you get in!" He yelled.

Shinx jumped away and bumped into the wall, cornering him. "Wow, relax please! I'm a friend of your sons! He was bringing me here to stay for a bit!" He said as he covered his face.

Varian: "Dad, he's telling the truth!" He said as he jumped off his dad and got in front of Shinx.

Qurin then dropped the knife. "Your telling the truth?"

Varian: "Yeah. He saved me from Harrison."

Qurin: "He, he did?"

Varian helped Shinx up off the ground. "Yeah! And you should've been there, he was so brave!" He smiled.

Shinx walked over to Qurin slowly. "Yeah, I did. And by the way, you have a wonderful son. Beauty and Brains. Impressive." Varian blushed in embarrassment.

Qurin laughed. "Yes. He gets it from his mother."

Shinx: "Well, whoever his mother is, she gave birth to the perfect boy." He smiled at Varian.

Qurin: "Why thank you..." He paused. "I'm sorry, what's your name?"

Shinx: "My names Shinx. Shinx Bluecat. I know it's a weird last name, but it is what it is." He chuckled.

Qurin: "Well, it's very nice to meet you Shinx. And I'm so sorry for trying to kill you earlier." He rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed.

Shinx: "Don't worry about it. I honestly get it. It's weird to see an animal follow your son home." Suddenly, his stomach growled. Shinx blushed in embarrassment.

Qurin chuckled. "Would you like some dinner? I can hear your a little hungry."

Shinx nodded. "Yes please."

They all sat down and ate dinner. Afterwards, Varian took Shinx to another room.

Shinx: "Where are we going?" He asked him.

Varian: "I believe I said I would show you something." He said as he stepped on a stepping stool, and opened a door. Once it was opened, Shinx looked around and saw a bunch of chemicals everywhere.

Shinx: "Woah. What is all this?" He said, amazed.

Varian: "This is where I spend some days experimenting new chemicals. Using the power of Alchemy!"

Shinx: "Alchemy?"

Varian: "Yeah. It's where I go to make and discover new experiments, as well as create! Or, just to get away from the world."

Shinx walked around, amazed at everything. "This is all so amazing V. Now I understand what all the cracks around the house are." He chuckled a bit.

Varian: "Yeah..." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, we should probably get back to the house. Dad gets upset when I'm in here too long." He said as he starts making his way back to the door.

Shinx: "Understandable." He says as he walks with Varian to the door.

Later that night...

Qurin carried Varian to bed, Shinx walking behind them. Qurin tucked Varian into bed, amd Shinx jumped onto the bed, laying next to Varian.

Qurin: "Goodnight boys."

Varian: "Night dad."

Shinx: "Goodnight Qurin."

Qurin turned off the light and closed the door.

Varian: "Hey Shinx?" He whispered.

Shinx: "Yeah?" He whispered back.

Varian: "I'm really glad I met you."

Shinx: "Me too, V."

Varian then started petting Shinx's back and Shinx started purring. Shinx realized he started feeling the same feeling he felt when he looked at Marco for the first time.

Varian: "Night Shinx." He said as he closed his eyes.

Shinx: "Yeah, goodnight V."

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