Singing with Love pt.1

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June 10th; 2013...It was a week from graduation of 6th grade. Shinx and Fennekin were sitting in choir class.

Shinx: "I wonder what Mrs. Meloetta has in store for us today." He tells her.

Fennekin: "Me too. I enjoy singing."

Shinx: "Me too. Of course, only if I'm by myself with no one around or with a group. Other than that, I can't sing in front of people."

Fennekin looked at him with a worried look. "Really?"

Shinx nodded. "It's always been a fear of mine."

Fennekin: "I'm sorry to hear that."

Shinx blushes. "Ah, it's ok. Many people in life have that fear. Nothing to be ashamed of."

Then, Mrs. Meloetta came in through the door.

Mrs. Meloetta: "Goodmorning class. Today, I have a special surprise for you. Instead of a boring old final for the last week of school, I've decided to do something a little different."

Everyone gasped. Shinx was excited, but a little nervous on what the assignment would be. Fennekin grabbed Shinx's hand and held onto it. Both of them started blushing.

Mrs. Meloetta: "For your final, we will...sing in front of the whole class!" He announced.

Shinx shivered. "W-What?" He asked.

Mrs. Meloetta: "You can either sing by yourself or with a partner. No more than 3 people in a group if chosen to." She tells them. "You have till Thursday to think of a song to sing, and perform it in front of the class. You'll get full credit for singing, and you can earn extra credit if done earlier. Have fun!" She finishes.

Fennekin turns to Shinx. "Why don't we sing a duet together?"

Shinx blushes. "Really?"

Fennekin: "Sure! I mean, your afraid of doing it yourself, and we can do it in partners if chosen to, you wanna...?

Shinx didn't hesitate. "Yes! Of course!" He says. He then turns away, blushing. "I-I mean yes. I'd like to."

Fennekin blushes. "Great. Guess I'll meet you at your house after school then."

Shinx: "Yeah.

Just then, the bell rings.

Fennekin: "Welp, see you at lunch!" She says as she picks up her backpack and walks out of class.

Shinx smiles. "Yeah. See you later."

Later that day...Shinx and Fennekin were walking home together. Of course, with Tepig and his older brother, Pignite were driving behind them.

Shinx: "Have you chosen a song yet?" He asks her.

Fennekin shakes her head. "Not yet. You?"

Shinx: "Nope. I've looked at many songs on my playlist, but I haven't found anything yet." He says as he shows Fennekin his phone.

Fennekin: "I guess this is gonna be harder than I expected." She chuckles.

Tepig: "You guys talking about that choir assignment?" He yells from the car.

Shinx and Fennekin turn around.

Shinx: "Yeah. We're having trouble finding a song to sing for class." He tells him. "What about you? You have a partner for the assignment?"

Tepig: "Yeah. Litten and me are singing 'Ring of Fire'. We just have to practice."

Shinx sighed. "You two sing that all the time. You don't even have to practice it. Wouldn't you rather sing a song that neither of you know and practice that?"

Tepig: "Whatever." He said as he slouched in the car seat.

They finally made it to Shinx's house.

Shinx: "See ya later Tepig!" He calls to him.

Tepig: "See ya guys!" He yells as the car drives off.

Shinx opens the door, and walks in.

Zeraora: "Welcome home honey." She said. She then notices Fennekin. "Fennekin! How good to see you again sweetie!"

Fennekin smiles. "Good to see you too Mrs. Bluecat.

Zeraora: "Please, call me Zeraora."

Fennekin blushes in embarrassment. "Oh, ok. Thank you Zeraora."

Zeraora smiles. "Anytime sweetie."

Shinx: "Ok...uh, anyway. Me and Fennekin are partners for a final in choir, and we need to practice. See you later mom!"

Zeraora: "Alright then. But don't forget, someone has to stand-"

Shinx: "Outside the door. I think I understand that mom." He says as he and Fennekin start walking up the stairs.

Just then, Zeraora grabs Shinx's arm. "She's a lucky one hon." She winks, making Shinx blush.

Shinx: "Mom..." He says, making Zeraora chuckle. Shinx walks up to his room.

Fennekin; "So, this is your room?" She says, looking around.

Shinx: "Uh...yeah. It's still a working progress, getting done."

Fennekin: "I like it."

Shinx looks at her. "You do?"

Fennekin nodes. It suites you." She says, which made Shinx blush.

Shinx: "T-Thank you." He rubes the back of his neck. "Uh, anyway, let's try and look for a song to sing." He says as he opens his phone, and looks through songs.

A few minutes go by. Suddenly, Shinx jumps off his bed.

Shinx: "I think I found one!"

Fennekin: "Really! What song is it?" She asks.

Shinx: "'Rewrite the Stars'. Sang by Zac Efron and Zendaya. I've heard this song before, and it seems like the perfect song for us to sing."

Fennekin smiles. "I love that song too!" He says. Her smile then fades. "But..."

Shinx: "What's the matter Fennekin?"

Fennekin: "Well..your not the only one who has stage fright."

Shinx: "You too?"

Fennekin: "I know I didn't seem afraid when Mrs. Meloetta gave the assignment, but the truth is..I'm terrified of singing in front of others."

Shinx sat down next to her. "Is it...a fear you always had?"

Fennekin sighs. "No. Back in elementary school, I sang in a school play. I was so excited to sing my part. But suddenly, I tripped over a instrument cord and fell head first on the stage. In doing so, I bumped into the microphone and it fell on top of someone in the crowd. I was so embarrassed. I never sang by myself after that day."

Shinx: "Wow. I never knew."

Fennekin chuckles. "Yeah well, you were missing for 7 years, so..." She says, making them both laugh.

Shinx: "Hey Fennekin?" He asks her. "Asante. Thank you for telling me this. It's good to know I'm not the only one in the class to be afraid."

Fennekin smiles. "No problem. I know I can trust you." She blushes, which made Shinx blush too.

Shinx then gets up. "Well, what do you say? Should we give it a go?" He says, holding out his hand to Fennekin. She took it and stood up.

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